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Niall has started a conversation with Grace.

Grace: what do you want

Niall: I just wanna talk

Grace: if you're gonna try and convince me into talking to Harry again it's not gonna work

Grace: he lied to me

Grace: and so did you

Niall: Grace, he really likes you.

Niall: Why does it even matter if he didn't tell you?

Grace: Because that means our whole friendship was based on a LIE!

Grace: I was so stupid.

Niall has added Louis to the conversation.

Grace: oh my Godddddd

Louis: Grace, he's been a mess without you

Grace: you guys don't even get it. he lied to me!

Grace: he made me believe he was some fisherman when he really wasn't.

Louis: why tf would you believe he was a fisherman tbh

Louis: and how bout you come out of the freaking rock you've been living under?

Louis: bc, I don't mean to sound arrogant, but our names are EVERYWHERE

Louis: we're on the radio CONSTANTLY

Niall: and TV quite a lot

Louis: like how tf did you not hear one of our names

Niall: or know what we looked like?

Grace: I'm not into boy bands.

Louis: with all sincerity; go fxck yourself

Niall: back to Harry please

Grace: he also lied about going to Oxford! I'm set to be there in three days and we were supposed to be meeting then.

Grace: by the way, Louis, he's not the only one who has been a mess

Louis: Wait

Louis: 3 days?

Grace: yeah

Niall: we're in London in 3 days

Louis: that means he really has been planning on telling you for a while

Grace: why?

Louis: bc he picked that final date

Louis: Grace?


Louis: she better have left to talk to Harry

Niall: I hope so

Louis: she's kind of a biatch amirite

Grace: still here

Louis: sorry

Grace: bet you are

Grace has left the conversation.

Louis: but seriously isn't she?

Niall: no, I kinda like her

Louis: you like everyone

Niall: except for you

Louis: Neil

Niall: Lewis

Louis: I'm done with you

Louis has left the conversation.


Hahahahahaha Niall is me.

This is coming to an end soon, maybe 3 or 4 more chapters idk yet

vote&comment if you liked ittt :)

And I know it's only like 20 chapters, but this was how I had it planned initially.

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