Soulmates - Jakehoon

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People are born seeing in black and white. You only see color once you've locked eyes with your soulmate. Sometimes, that doesn't happen. Most of the time though, it happens.

Sunghoon was really starting to believe that he was never going to see color. Most people met their soulmate at 18. He was 25 and still nothing.

"So, Mr Park, can you see color yet??"

He worked as a dance teacher, with some very gossipy students. Especially the teens and preteens. But the younger ones liked to gossip too, they were just focused on other things.

In this particular case, a 13 year old by the name of Aera had asked him that question.

"No, why? Did you start seeing color yet?"

"Nah, just thought I'd do my weekly asking you about your soulmate."

"Even if I did, I wouldn't necessarily tell you or show signs."

"I think you would," another 13 year old, by the name of Minho, piped up, "You usually compliment our dance outfits by shape, you'd definitely start doing it by color if you could see them."

"Ehh maybe," Sunghoon suddenly switched back into teacher mode, "But who said you can talk about such personal things with me? Get back to dancing!"


Sunghoon sat in a coffee shop with his three best friends and colleagues, Sunoo, Jungwon, and Riki.

"Guys! I just got a message from my fiance, he says we're getting another teacher in a week-ish time," Jungwon announced when his phone pinged and he picked it up to read the text.

"Oh my god..." Riki groaned, "We get that Heeseung is your soulmate, but if I ever hear you flaunt him as 'your fiance' again I am going to fucking flippp..."

"Oh well you can't talk, you and Jay just came back from your honeymoon a week ago! You call him 'my husband' constantly. No one wants to hear that the baby of our group is married already."

"Baby?! Excuse me, I'm also 25! Hoon is only like a day older, you know! Sun, help me out!"

Sunoo shrugged, "I'm aromantic and me and my soulmate are purely platonic, so I don't get the whole romantic concept of the marriage thing, but you are still the youngest, even if by a single day, but, however, I do understand marriage is a milestone of a lifetime, so it makes sense that Won's attitude is like that."

"Yo Socrates, it's a simple request."


Three days until the new dance teacher, and Sunghoon had to break the news to a couple of his classes that they'd be only having him 1 of 2 lessons a week.

"Guys, gather around for a second."

"Oh what is it??" the curious students all came over immediately.

"So I'm sure you've heard that there's going to be a new teacher around here soon. He's going to be taking over 1 out of 2 weekly sessions you guys have me, so you'll be with me only once."

"Awe... I literally only come here to gossip with you though, Mr Park..." a 14 year old by the name of Vel piped up.

"You will still get gossip time though. Just only once a week."


The new teacher started that day, and Sunghoon had yet to meet him. He'd been stuck in a meeting with a kid's entitled ass parents since roughly 10 minutes after he clocked in.

"Okay, I believe that is our time up, because I am on lunch break in a minute, so see yourselves out the door, once you pull your heads out of your asses so you can actually see sense."

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