Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Dear Diary,

Another boring day trapped within the SOS Children’s Home. You know I hate it here. They treat me well, but I want to get out and see the world. I don’t want to be trapped in this cocoon! At the moment, Lisa is, unfortunately, getting everyone in order for Adoption Time. So I’ll have to go soon.

Lisa still works at this orphanage; you recall she wanted to move? I have gotten to know her well and she is pretty amusing when not working. She told me she wants to dye her beautiful, blonde hair brown. You know how she always goes on about dying it random colors but she never does?

It’s Sunday today, I tell you often enough about how much I hate Sunday don’t I? Adoption Day, it only means a whole lot of rich people (at least I think they’re rich) will come and look at all the children here and adopt one. None of the lucky children who go home to a new life will ever be me. No one wants to adopt a seventeen year old. They all want cute little babies and toddlers.

I guess I should get into order now, but I really don’t see the point. No one is going to adopted me… Unless it’s those people Lisa was talking about, the ones she made me take all those acting lessons for when I was younger.  Anyway I need to go, talk to you later, bye.

I put my treasured diary away under my small, hard bed and made my way over to the line. I loved the design on my diary. The beautiful floral design with a few, single rose petals dried and stuck on to its cover. Lisa told me that my parents had left it for me when I was given over to the center.

We were ordered from youngest to oldest; everyone knew their spot by heart. Obviously I was last in line; not that hard to remember. The orphanage was large. It had enough room to house about fifty children at any one time. Currently, there are around twenty five children of different ages.

Suddenly the door was thrown open and in the doorway stood a family of three. My eyes widened. I recognized them! They were the people who were going to adopt me; I placed my hand on my stomach. It felt like butterflies were dancing about. Even though I knew that it was wrong and that this family was going to be in a lot of danger, I still had to do this; for myself and Lisa both. She had told me that I would get the life I’d always wanted if I did one thing for her. Today was the day.

The boy looked about nineteen and had jet black hair. He wore a T-shirt that said ‘I come in peace’. He also wore a pair of jeans and a jacket with fur on the collar and sleeves; I really hoped it wasn’t real fur! The man and woman both looked like they were in their early forties.

The woman had straight, light brown, shoulder length hair, with lighter and darker shades of brown mixed in. She was wearing jeans and a loose, black top and black and white, glittery heals.

The man had hair much like his son’s, midnight black.  He wore a pair of navy blue jeans and light blue work shirt as well as a blazer and a tie, which made him look super important.

I watched the three of them, I could tell all the little children were wondering why the family marched directly down the line, not giving a second glance at any of them. The children had confused looks on their faces; I felt slightly guilt, but I didn’t know why. I wasn’t surprised that the family didn’t care about the other children. Lisa, Astra and I were the only ones who knew about our plan.

I looked at Lisa worriedly and she nodded and smiled encouragingly. I took a deep breath. This was my chance for a new life! I would not mess this up!


Finally, the family made their way over to me and stopped. The man turned around and started talking to his wife, whilst the boy just stared at me. I gave him a small smile, which he returned. He seemed pretty friendly, the butterflies in my stomach decided to die down! I looked at Lisa again. She gave me the thumbs up; I smiled and looked back at the family, who were now talking to one of the staff members about adopting me.

The family finally headed into the office to sign the paper work, Lisa ran up to me.

“Good Job Hazel! They are adopting you. Remember our plan. I forgot to tell you, but they have two other sons. Also, if they give you a phone, text me your number!” she said to me, grinning like a mad person.

“Alright, I hope I see you soon?” I ask her. She grinned cheekily.

“You will!” she finished just as the family came out of the office.

“Ok, everything’s settled. Go pack your bags and say good bye to everyone!” shouted one of the workers, clearly surprised that someone was adopting me, I was too; I mean, I had no idea how Lisa had convinced them to adopt me.

I suddenly realized that I would never see any of these children again. I had made strong friendships and I was sad to leave. A little child with cute pig tails and one tooth ran up to me and hugged my legs; she only reached my knee. She looked at me teary eyed, she was just so cute!

“Are you leaving?” she asked, sniffing.

“Yes Sarah,” I replied, a silent tear running down my face. I too sniffed and lifted her up into my arms. “I’m sorry and I really hope you find a new home soon,” she nodded, but I know she didn’t really understand. Out of everyone here, I was closest to Sarah, I would indeed miss her.

“Come on Hazel!” Lisa called. I put Sarah back down and gave her a massive hug before I collected my things, turned and walked out the door.

My new family was already sitting in a shiny, expensive, black Lexus. I got into the back seat, next to the boy and turned to look at the orphanage for the last time as it got further and further away. Yet again a tear slipped down my face unnoticed.

 “Don’t worry. We can come back and you can see them again,” said the man, turning to look at me. “My name is Marlon and this is Wendy,” he said pointing to himself and then his wife, who gave me a small smile.

“My name is Andre. It’s nice to meet you!” said the boy extending his hand.

“My name is Hazel,” I replied, shaking his hand.

“I know!” he replied with a grin.

I just sat there quietly, fiddling with the hem of my blue tank top. I looked at Andre and realized he was staring at me.

“How old are you?” I asked curiously.

“Eighteen,” he replied.

“I was close.” I mumbled to myself.

“What do you mean?” he asked me, curiously.

“Did I say that out loud?” I asked. Andre nodded; I stared out the window embarrassed.

“So are you going to answer my question?” he asked, with yet another grin.

“Umm, before, at the orphanage I guessed your age. I thought you were nineteen; I was one year off,” I replied, looking away.

“That’s a pretty good guess. Most people think I’m like twenty four,” he said. I nodded politely, but not in the least bit interested as I saw the house I would be staying at. Lisa had told me they were rich, but I’d never thought they’d be this unbelievable rich!

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