The Plan of L'Amour~!

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Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia. I got a request from USUKluvr to continue this so let's see how it goes.

The Spaniard stared at the pictures in his hands. Questions were swirling through his mind. What was this? How did they fit Romano into those extremely tight pants? How did they get on his doorstep? Why were there two turtles are Roma's nipples? Why was he so excited by this?

Spain swallowed and looked around. Were there more of these? He looked at the envelope. Written on it was "From Hungary with love~." Spain looked at the picture once more. Geez was it extremely hot outside before?

Spain smirked at the pictures and walked inside.

*Romano time~*

The Italian quickly changed out of the horrible outfit he was wearing. "Now will you give me the pictures dammit!" He yelled at Hungary who was putting them in a envelope.

"Of course~. Of course~." She said sealing the envelope.

"What are you doing with that?"

"Helping with your problem."

The Italian growled as he was handed the photos which were promptly shoved in his pocket.

"Pleasure doing business with you," She sang and put the envelope in her purse obviously showing evil intent.

The Italian not wanting to be apart of her next scheme ran out and bumped into the next victim *cough* customer.

"Ah bonjour R-" He started.

"Piss off Wine Bastard!" Romano yelled and walked back to the room.

The Frenchman shrugged and walked into the room.

"I got the pictures~!" The Hungarian said with a smirk on her face.

"Good," France nodded, "We can finally resolve the sexual tension between them. Honhonhon~! It is fun helping with L'amour."

"You still own me those pictures."

"I can easily get those shower shots of Angleterre~. I can always find where he hides his keys."

Hungary nodded satisfied with this. "I better go set the pictures on Spain's porch. Remember to convince Romano to go to Spain's house," She said as she walked out.

The Frenchman nodded and walk to the world meeting room.

"Romano~," He sang looking at the Italian next to Spain, "Spain and I are going to be alone tonight with a bottle of wine.~"

Romano eyes widen.

"Roma, if you want to come you can," Spain said looking at his tomato lovingly.

"Since I have nothing better to do, I guess I can," Romano said.

Spain smiled.

"It turns out, Big Brother cannot come~. Have fun you two~! Honhonhon~!" France said teasingly and ran away before Romano came out of shock and hurled tomatoes at him. Some of those things hurt!

"Fusososoo it will be lots of fun Roma," Spain said giving his smile.

This earned a string of curse words from Romano's mouth.

After the meeting at six, Romano arrived at Spain's house. He knocked on the door.

"It's opened~!" He heard Spain say. Romano opened the door.

"Where are you Tomato Bastard?" He said looking around.

He was answered with Spain saying, "The kitchen!"

Romano started to walk there when he noticed the picture. The one Hungary made him do! Romano's eyes widen as he picked it up. "Shit the Bastard probably saw this," he said under his breath, "Now he is going to tease me all night for it! Dammit!" He said slightly louder.

He walked quickly in the kitchen. "Tomato Bastard! I have no idea where that-... Dios Mío!" He said looking at the Spaniard in front of him.


Bonjour-French- Hello


Dios Mío-Spanish-My God

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