I'll stay by your side, through thick and thin.

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A/N: AU where Link is blind (there is a story that is alike this but, I'm not stealing anything, just had an idea) and Rhett is mute.

WARNING: This may be sad to some. Read at your own pace.

P.s. I've had this idea for about a year but, never got to writing it.

They arrived at the doctors office in no time. They go there regularly for Link's check ups.

"Are we here, Rhett?" Link asked, reaching a hand out to feel if his friend was there.

Rhett simply but, gently grabbed his friends hand, secretly loving the way Link smiled in relief.

"Can you help me?" He asked as he heard a door open from Rhett's side.

Of course, Rhett opened Link's door and helped him out.
Rhett grabbed Link's hand and led him toward the entrance, softly tapping Morse on his palm.

They entered the building without trouble and walked up to the check-in counter.

"Hello! Rhett and Link. Dr. Sotmann is a bit busy but, he'll be with you soon!" The clerk lady, Sandra, told them as she smiled brightly due to their presence.

Rhett nodded at her and carefully led Link to the waiting area.

"How long do we have to wait, Rhett?" Link asked as Rhett seated himself next to Link.
Rhett gently uncurled Link's hand and tapped 'A few minutes, Link.' onto his palm.

"Oh." Link replied, feeling Rhett tap 'it's okay' afterwards.
"I know but, he always sees us immediately."

Rhett tapped an 'I know." before pulling Link closer on the small couch they had to share.

"Rhett! Link! So, nice to see you today. Sorry for the wait. Allow me to lead you to the room." Dr. Sotmann greeted gingerly as he walked up to them.

Rhett carefully stood Link up and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, not caring for the looks they got.

"How have you been today, Link?" Sotmann asked as they walked down the blan hallway.

"Good I guess, can't see still." Link replied, laughing nervously.

"Well, we'll have to change that, shall we?" Sotmann said as he open the door for the duo to walk in through.

"Please, take a seat." He said as he walked over to a cabinet, opening it up and pulling something out.

Rhett sat Link down in a chair next to his and watched the doctor.

Sotmann walked over to the two, holding a box.
He sat down and set the box on the table.

"What was that?" Link jumped at the noise of the box being set down.
"It's just a box, Link, don't worry." Sotmann replied. "But, what's inside the box can change your perspective on things, literally." He opened the box and carefully took out a pair of glasses.
They were big, looked heavy, too.

Rhett gave Sotmann an suspicious look and grasped Link's hand.

Sotmann noticed this and laughed.

"Don't worry, Rhett. It's nothing dangerous." He explained and set the glasses down in front of him.

"These are specially designed glasses that allow blurry visioned people, such as Link, to see a little at a time. They have lenses that slowly medicate the eyes and teach them to clear up."

Rhett just stared at the man and tapped 'what do you think?' onto Link's palm.

"It sounds wonderful, Rhett! Maybe I could finally see what you look like after all these years." Link said giddly.

Rhett smiled a little at his friends excitement and looked at the doctor.

He nodded in agreement. Sotmann smiled and handed the glasses to Rhett.

"He'll have to wear them for 20 days, at the least, for his vision to clear up a bit." Sotmann, once again, explained.

Rhett turned to Link and carefully slid them on. As soon as he did, Link let out a surprised gasp and immediately grabbed Rhett's shoulders.

Im stopping it here.

I have to many ideas for this one. I'll continue 'Hey there' soon.

A little more Rhink. //Rhink one-shots//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon