The Proposal

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Hey!! Today's chapter is the proposal. Hope you like it and remember to vote and comment your opinions and thoughts. Bye!!!

Severus's pov

"Are we both going to the jewelry store, or just me?" I asked Harry.

"Both. We also have to stop at some other places, I have some things I need to pick up for the house." He said. I nodded in response and we flooed to Hogsmeade.

"Ok, first let's get the ring. Then I can grab the couple of things I need." Harry said.

"Ok. Merlin's beard, I'm nervous." I said.

"Don't worry about it. You'll be fine." He said, Then he walked over to me and hugged me. This is what it feels like to hug your son. To love your family the way it should have been years and years ago. I thought to myself as I hugged him back.

We walked over to the jewelry store and went inside. We walked straight to the rings and started to look.

"Can I help you two?" Said a nice young lady with blonde hair.

"Um, yes actually. I'm looking for an engagement ring." I said.

"Right this way." She said and we walked a little to the left. There were gold bands and silver bands. Diamonds and sapphires.

"What do you think she'll like, Harry?" I asked.

"Well for starters, I think this one right here is a beauty." He said. Its a silver band with a diamond in the middle. Then it has little rubies around the diamond. The silver could be for me and me being in Slytherin, and the rubies could be for her and her being in Gryffindor.

"Its perfect! I'll take it." I said to Harry and the saleswoman. I paid for the ring and Harry picked up his items and we went back to Hogwarts.

Time Lapse: Five minutes before Sev proposes to Lily.

"I think I'm going to puke." I said to Harry.

"You'll be fine! I have to go, Draco wants to rest and I've been gone all day to help you. Bye, I love you, and good luck." He said and then walked out the door.

I sat in the living room for about four minutes, then I heard a faint knock at the door. Shit! I'm going to be sick. I thought as I walked to the door. I opened it to see Lily wearing a red dress down to her knees and it was beautiful.

"You look absolutely breath taking, Lily. Please, come in." I said.

"Thanks. You don't look to bad yourself, Sev." She said with a bright smile that lit up her beautiful emerald eyes. I ordered diner from the house elfs and then we began to eat.


"So, how's your classes going? Do you like teaching the class?" I asked.

"Oh yes. I love teaching." She said with a small smile.

"Well, the year is almost over. Are you going to teach next year?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

"Of course. I wouldn't leave here again. Especially with you here, Sev." She said. My heart melted and I had to ask right then and there.

"Lily. Words cannot express what I felt when Harry read the letter he got from you to me. I was happy, confused, and worried. Worried that you would hate me for calling you that horrible name. Words also cannot express my love for you. My love for you is like the Sun. Burning bright and always shining. I love your eyes, and I love your hair. I love your smile, and I love your laugh. I love your personality, and I love you." I got the ring box out of my pocket and got down on one knee.

"Lily Evans, will you do me the honor of becoming my beautiful wife?" I asked. She was in tears and I had a few in my eyes. I was scared she would say no.

"Of course, Severus."

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