When Liam Gets Hate...

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I wrote a long ass paragraph for Liam when I seen that that girl was all like "Why did I have to meet Liam's fat ass and not Harry!"

I was so mad you don't understand. I wanted to scream and cry and beat the girl up but instead I wrote a long ass paragraph for Liam.

Dear reader,

Liam Payne literally deserves more than we give him so I wrote a big paragraph to show him how much I love him. Now I'll let you read my paragraph :

Liam is my sunshine and I would do anything for him.

I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.

His smile makes my day. Just one smile. I love him so fucking much it hurts. He's my world. If he's sad, I'm sad. If he's happy, I'm happy.

Liam James Payne is the sweetest person ever I swear. I dream about meeting him, literally.

He seems so happy on tour and stuff and I'm so glad he's happy. He deserves more love than he gets. I just want to meet him and hug him tight and tell him I love him and that he's my world and to not listen to hate.

I love him so fucking much. To think he gets hate. No one understands how happy he is yet they throw hate at him.

I would give him all the love in the world if I could. I'd get down on my knees for him (not in the dirty way. The girl almighty way) he is so perfect in every single way possible.

I just want to hug him and cuddle him.

I have fell deep for Liam James Payne. He is my everything yet he doesn't know I exist... I wish I could tell him how much I love him in person. I don't care how long it is. I just want to meet my sunshine so fucking much. And if I do ever meet him, I'll walk away knowing that I have finally met my sunshine and told him how much he means to me. How much I love him. How much he's worth it.

I love Liam James Payne so much. But he doesn't even know I exist... I hope that one day I can hear his voice. I don't care how long it is or if it's just once. I need to hear it. I will not die without meeting my sunshine. He's literally my everything and I want to tell him everything he has done for me so far. I would sing what makes you beautiful because he deserves it. He deserves the best in life. I hope he will be happy no matter what.

I couldn't live with myself if I knew he was upset and there was no way to cheer him up. If only he knew I existed....

Okay so that was the long paragraph I wrote. I would have wrote more but I didn't have any more time.

Also I split the paragraph up into different pieces for who ever reads this!!

There will be more to this book I promise.

If you don't love Liam, or you only love one or two or three and not the other boy(s), then you're not a fan.

Anyways, I love you all no matter what! If you need someone to talk to, I'm right here for you! If I don't answer on watt pad I'm so sorry I don't normally check my messages on here!!

You can follow me on Instagram (AN: my Instagram is viva.la.payne) or Twitter (AN: Twitter is viva_la_payne), it's easier to get to me there!!

Or possibly kik (AN: kik is katlynn.loves.1d and its my old kik because I forgot my password haha).

All the love as always :) xx

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