It's Not Christmas Without You

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Christmas is about family and Block B is P.O's family.



I was sitting by the window, watching the snow fly past with the help of the wind. The snow was pretty heavy this year and I had no reason to complain about it.

I did have something to complain about in the house though.

I'm usually a happy person so Christmas is my time of the year. I love the lights, the food, the sights and especially spending time with the people I loved, my family. 

Lee Taeil, Lee Minhyuk, Ahn Jaehyo, Kim Yukwon, Park Kyung,  and Woo Jiho; they are all my family.

So why didn't they want to have fun?

Most of their excuses were 'Oh, I'm too busy Pyo', 'Next year maknae', 'Ehh we're too old for that'.

Didn't they ever stop to look out the window and realize what a wonder it was. The snow was everywhere, fresh for people to play in! Sure I have some childish tendencies but doesn't everyone?

I had decorated the dorm so nicely, wanting this time to be better than the last, for everyone to have a nice time. Did they not like it or something?

I pulled my mug of hot chocolate closer to my face, feeling the heat on my skin. I looked around to see an empty living room. Why did everyone stay in their rooms? Didn't they want to spend time together?

Setting my hot chocolate down on the side table, I got up and went to the first bedroom I could find, knocking on the door. 

"Guys, come on, come out here so we can do something together!" I waited for a response but all I got back were groans from everyone in the dorm.

My patience was wearing thin, all I wanted was a good Christmas for once. It was Christmas Eve and everyone was acting like we were strangers!

I shook my head, giving up.

"Fine! Stay in your rooms all night! Why the fuck should I care?" My deep voice carried throughout the hallway as I went into my room and slammed the door shut. I kicked my slippers off and pulled the reindeer antlers off my head as I flopped onto my bed, face down.

If they wanted to be like this, fine. I'm not even going to bother with trying to spend a nice holiday with them anymore if they're going to act like they have more important things to do.


I was just getting in from the snowy weather when I heard the shouting. 

Was that JiHoon?

I quickly took off my boots, putting them by the door to dry and walked towards the sound of a slamming door. This was confusing, the maknae barely swore so why was he now?

Just as I went to the hallway I saw Jiho walking towards the younger's room, looking guilty. I followed him and waited in the doorway as he walked over and sat on the maknae's bed, placing his stuffed animal Toto on his back. 

'Come on now, don't be sad.' Jiho's hand that was going to poke Pyo was slapped away as he turned his face to the wall beside his bed, pulling his arm over his eyes. 

The older of the two on the bed looked at me confused and slightly panicked. JiHoon barely was serious like this so he must've been really hurt.

'Come on, just get up and talk to me. I'm sorry for not coming out right away, I was writing some surprise lyrics okay?' His pleas for some attention from the younger were ignored. 

I sighed and left my place at the doorframe to walk over to the bed, sitting at the side of him. 'Jihoonie?'

A muffled sound came from under the arms of the blonde.

'Jihooooonie? I just got back and I think it's time to go drink some hot chocolate and listen to some music, don't you think?'

He raised his head a little, 'Go away, no point.'

My eyebrows raised on their own account as I looked to Jiho, he shrugged and shook his head. We had never seen such a down Pyo.

'Hey, just tell me what's wrong!' I moved over as he flipped around and sat up.

'All I wanted was some group time together on my favourite holiday and apparently it was too damn much to ask!' His glare, focussed on the blanket in front of him, almost burned a hole through it.

I brought a hand up and ran it up and down the maknae's back, trying to calm him down.

'Hey, why was there yelling?' A voice from behind me asked. Turning to see who it was, I frowned when I saw it was Kyung wiping his eyes with Jaehyo behind him.

Turning back to the younger I tried to soothe him, "Hey look, those two were just sleeping, they didn't mean to ignore you Jihoonie.'

The other two voiced their agreements and came over by the bed trying to cheer up their sad friend.

I turned to Jiho and started whispering to him as the two tried to help on the other side, 'Where's Yukwon and Minhyuk?'

A knock on the door made everyone turn to see the two in question looking guilty with messed up hair. 


Looking up, I saw the two last members of Block B in the doorway looking down.

Minhyuk looked up sadly to me and started babbling away, which was surprising. 'Listen maknae, I'm sorry we didn't come out, we were just busy and thought that the others would come out and we're really sorry and-'

He looked down and I couldn't help but let a smirk fight its way onto my face, 'Were you two making out?'

The members on the bed with me all stifled their laughter at  the other two's wide eyed expressions.

They both started mumbling and trying to make out excuses but I stopped them.

'It doesn't matter if you were but c-can we all just hang out now?'

Jiho reached over and pulled me into a hug, surprising me, and nodded, 'LET'S GO EAT SOME GINGERBREAD OR SOMETHING!'

I laughed and got up off the bed but Yukwon quickly put an arm around my shoulders, 'This is why you're my favourite, maknae, you never cease to surprise me.'

We all walked out into the living room and Kyung turned on the stereo, blasting some radio station and started doing his weird signature dance while everyone laughed at him. 

I walked over to the window and watched the snow pass by the lights of the city and smirked, now I knew how to get my way.

Merry Christmas.

It's Not Christmas Without YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz