Chapter 44

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Tzuyu's POV

Sana and I arrived at the station just half an hour after I talked with Jihyo. We've been waiting outside for a few minutes when she and Jeongyeon showed from a corner.

"Hey Tzu. Sana." Jeongyeon waved and Sana and I made our way towards the two girls.

"Tzu, how are you feeling?"

I smiled faintly. "I'm okay Jeong."

"She's lying. She's not okay and all this is very wrong. I should have come on my own." Sana scoffed. I reached out and interlocked her hand with mine.

"Sana, I'm okay." I said, hoping that it would reassure her. She glared at me, obviously not satisfied with what I told her and averted her eyes, rolling them.

"Let's go, Taehyung is this way." Jihyo interrupted and Sana walked forward with her while Jeongyeon came next to me.

"You know, if I didn't know the two of you, I'd say you look like a married couple."

I almost choked on my laughter, which made different officers and visitors glare at me. "That's stupid."

Jeongyeon scoffed. "It's not! The only thing missing in your relationship is the marriage certificate."

"Shut up." I shoved her playfully. After a while, Jeongyeon tugged my arm towards her and moved her face closer to mine.

"Tzuyu, have you thought what happens next?" she whispered.

"What do you mean?"

She sighed. "I don't know about you, but maybe Sana won't wait for you forever."

My eyes widened and I glared at Jeongyeon. "Has Sana told something to you? Is she going to break up with me?"

"Gosh, Tzuyu, no!" Jeongyeon chuckled and shoved me playfully. "But don't you think it's time for the two of you to take your relationship a step further?"

"What- Jeong, what are you saying?" I asked, pretty aware of the answer she hasn't even given me.

"Look, I know Sana loves you and it's obvious that you love her too." Jeongyeon continued.

"Sana means everything to me." I confessed with absolute sincerity. Because those two years that we were apart, I felt parts of myself missing, something I've never felt before her.

"Then show her!" Jeongyeon nodded with encouragement. "Show her just how much she means to you. Show her exactly what you feel for her. Show her that you want to spend the rest of your life with her. If you do of course."

"Jeong!" I slapped her hand with a chuckle, letting her words sink in. "Do you-" I hesitated, looking in front of me to Sana and Jihyo still too busy talking with each other to hear us. "Do you think we're ready for this? I mean, Sana just started in university and I don't want anything I do to come in contrast with her decisions and her time there."

Jeongyeon wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "And that's exactly why you should make the next step. Because it will be her decision whether she agrees or not. Even though I think no one would say no to you-"

"We're here." Jihyo said from the front, making Jeongyeon shut her mouth. I chuckled and walked to Sana's side.

"Are you nervous?" I whispered in her ear. She trembled lightly at my breath and shot her gaze up to me.

"Do you think I should be nervous?"

I smiled and dove in for a quick kiss, intertwining our hands. "Whatever you need, I'm right here baby."

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