desperately alive

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When the daylight is too bright to open my eyes
When the night is too dark to fall asleep
I'm not

I'm still breathing, my heart's still beating and it's my worst curse
I'm on the edge of death but never falling down the hill
I'm breaking apart but never enough
They won't let me go
They're still trying to fix my wounds with fragile bandaids
Knowing well it won't heal them

Walking down the streets, desperately alive
The world is blurry and my soul is empty
God knows I tried
Finding meaning
Finding peace
Finding purpose
He gave me life and love
I'm disappointing Him

I will live another year
And probably more
Against my will, but I don't want to die
I want to feel alive
I don't know how

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27 ⏰

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