chapter 2

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I felt two people start pulling me back. It was my brother also named Nate and my boyfriend Nate. When they finally got me out of the room my brother sat down in the chair next to his fiancé and hugged her and started crying. I on the other hand was cuddled up next to Nate screaming

"Are u hungry baby girl?"
"No ill just eat a little something at home" I was crying so much and tears were coming down my face uncontrollably. I eventually fell asleep.

I felt the car come to a stop and heard Nate get out of the car. He opened my side and carried me inside. Right before he was about to lay me down on the couch i opened my eyes. I looked him in the eyes and he had tears streaming down his face too

"Babe! Why are u cr-"
Before finishing I new exactly why he was crying. I guess u could say Nate and my dad had a strong father like son bond or relationship. He would always tell Nate how happy he was to have a future son in law. But apparently there was something else I needed to know.
"Babe, there is something I need to tell u. Yesterday while u were at work ur dad called me up and he wanted me to come see him. So I did. He told me that before he dies he wanted to let me know that whenever I decide to make a move and purpose that I have his blessing."
I stood up and so did he and I jumped on him and was crying so hard he hugged me as tight as he could and of course these situations always end with a kiss. Now he didn't purpose but now I know he will stay with me forever.

BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! I seriously hate this alarm! I turned off my alarm and suprisingly found that Nate wasn't there beside me. I got up made the bed and went out into the living room to find Nate sleeping on the couch. I didn't want to wake or bother him so I decided to make a nice breakfast.
"Well good morning beautiful"
"Why did u sleep on the couch?"
"I wanted to give u some room"
"I don't need room. I need u"
As soon as I realized what I just said we both started laughing because it was so cheesy. When breakfast was done I told him to set the table. I brought over some eggs pancakes sausage homemade orange juice and fruit salad.
"This is an amazing meal babe"
"Well thank u"
When breakfast was over my mom called. She asked me if me and Nate could come over and help her move my dads stuff into a storage space. She also said we were happy to take anything of his. I told her that we would be there in an hour or so.
While Nate was in the shower I cleaned up the kitchen and went to the bedroom and picked out my outfit ( in picture above ). When Nate got out of the shower I got in. I got soap in my eyes then felt someone wipe my face. It was Nate. He had of course gotten in the shower with me. I looked him in the eyes and gave him a kiss then got out.
I threw on my clothes and did a light eyeshadow and some concealer through my hair up in a ponytail and we both walked out of the house hand in hand.

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