Morning After

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Lucifer slowly mumbled as he woke up...for the first time in weeks he actually slept soundly threw the night without having any nightmares, so he woke up well rested for once. Though the from the bed was making it very hard to actually wake up, with a soft groan and shifted back and snuggled farther into the heat only to be hit with a cold spot, his eyes opened as he scooted back towards the heat in the bed. The events of last night rushed into his mind and made him blush heavily as he smiled and rolled over.
"Morning" He asked as he looked around the room. There was no signs of anyone else being in the room, and he sighed sadly and sunk down into the bed further.
"Was it all just a dream?" He mumbled now. What was he thinking, as if anyone would really want to be with him. He closed his eyes, reflecting on his life before opening them again to see Alastor standing above him with his usual smile on.
"If that was a dream was truly splendid I must say," he said as he reached down and ruffled his hair some.
"Wh...where were you if that actually happened?" He asked, rubbing his eyes to make sure it wasn't his brain tricking him
"I was in your bathroom taking a shower, which I recommend you to do the same and get your day started," he said as lucifer sat up from this.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" He asked curiously now as he looked up at him.
"You haven't been sleeping... and I couldn't disturb such beauty...that itself would be a crime," he said, making lucifer blush at this.
"I'll be in the lobby. Come join us when you get done with your shower," he said before turning to leave the room. As he did, he reached over to grab his coat he had laid out on a chair near the door before he heard a gasp from behind.
"You have a tail!?" Lucifer squealed out like a kid at a candy store.
"I any deemmmmmmm" he was cut off by a moan as he felt a hand playing with his tail as he was still within arms reach of the bed, and lucifer was not missing the opportunity to feel it.
"Fluffy... just like your ears..."
"Dammit, lucifer," Alastor grunted out as he spun and got his tail away from the short king who looked at him now with big sad eyes.
"Bu... fluffy"
Alastor found himself getting lost in those eyes... Dam were they effective.
" can play with it more tonight..." He said smiling as he watched lucifers face light up at this, Alastor made sure to keep his tail out of reach this time as he grabbed his coat and left the room.
Lucifer sat there and found himself smiling... Once you got through the rough outer layer...Al was really a gentleman. He moved and got up out of bed and made his way to the bathroom where he got in and took a nice warm shower to wake him up some. He got out and dried himself off and got dressed putting on his normal attire minus his hat, after that he left his room and made his way downstairs to the lobby, appearing there and not seeing anyone with breakfast he decided to take it upon himself.
"Anybody want pancakes?" He asked and smiled when he saw some hands go up in the air. Not all but majority, so he'd take it as a yes.
He moved to the kitchen and grabbed some pans from the cabinet and spun around towards the oven, and smiled as he saw Charlie leaning against the other side.
"I see that smile appleseed...what are you thinking about?" He asked, knowing that look.
"So....I have 2 dads now?" She asked.
There was a loud clatter as he dropped the pan onto the floor.
"Wh..why would you say and him...nonono...never..never gonna happen," he said quickly and waving his hands around.
"Dad....your terrible at lying...and I saw you both sleeping last night," she said it a plain look on her face. Lucifer sighed as he leaned down and picked up the pan and set it on the stove before looking at her.
"Im... sorry's just time I"
"Sorry for what?" She asked, confused, which in return made lucifer get confused as he looked at her.
"I..thought you' upset that me and your mom are over?"
"Oh, dad..." She said softly before smiling.
"Mom is..."
"A bitch!" Came angels voice from the lobby making them both look that direction.
"What Angel said...she left us and I don't blame you for leaving deserve to be happy now and if Alastor does that for you...then go with it...don't even have to introduce anyone to him either, already seen him as a father it's kinda nice actually" she said with a smile, lucifer walked around the counter and smiled as he hugged Charlie and rubbed her back.
"What did I do to deserve such a amazing daughter" he said as he felt Charlie return the hug. After a moment they broke the hug and charlie went back to the lobby while lucifer went to making pancakes, he looked up and seen Alastor walking in this time, he moved over and got behind lucifer and smiled as he wrapped his arms around him.
"You smell good" he said into her ear which made lucifer blush some.
"Hey...not now, I'm trying to cook here" which made Alastor chuckle some as he stood back up.
"Can't blame a guy for trying can you" lucifer smiled at this...he could get use to it. A few moments later the pancakes were ready as he called for breakfast. Everyone filed into the kitchen and grabbed a plate and some pancakes.
"Wow short king...these are some of the best pancakes I've ever had!" Angel said getting nods of agreement from around the table as everyone enjoyed theirs. Lucifer smiled to himself as others were actually enjoying his food.

The rest of the day went through with doing a few exercises with Charlie to see how they would work out. Angel had a call from a person and seemed a bit upset when he left in a hurry, he wasn't sure what that was about but didn't think much of it. Alastor had took off to see his friend Rosie in cannibal and asked that lucifer not join...which he did find weird but didn't question it for now. Lucifer had spent most of his afternoon catching up on all his paperwork and smiled when he finally finished the last one and with a wave of his hand sent it to the designated place. Looking out the window he saw the sun starting to set and decided to see what everyone else was up to, heading back downstairs he entered the lobby to see Charlie laying on the couch, he moved towards her and the sight melted his heart, on the couch charlie slept peacefully with a smile on her face while Vaggie laid on her chest and a hand wrapped possessively around charlie, He smiled as he grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and gently draped it across them before looking up at the bar and seeing husk and Angel who was drinking rather heavily. Making his way over to them he sat down beside him and gasped silently. Angel was covered in bruises and had a couple of cuts as well. Husk handed lucifer a drink while he was there. A simply whisky glass, lucifer picked it up with a nod to husk before looking back at Angel
"Angel...what happened" he asked softly.
"Fucking Val...he..said he'd make me pay next time after...Charlie came to the studios and messed up the shoot" he said in a partially broken voice. Trying his best to keep it together, at hearing Charlie's name lucifers attention was peeked and he sat up straighter.
"What happened with him and charlie" he asked slowly
Angel proceeded to tell him about it all. The beatings and the abuse, then Charlie showing up to defend him and Val getting pissed at this and finally mentioning when he licked her arm and grabbed it. Lucifer looked like a cherry tomato right now as the glass in his hand shattered with his newly formed death grip.
"He did WHAT!?" Lucifer yelled out

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