chapter 2

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Bridget's POV

I felt lonely looking at everyone, everyone was with either with their own gender making out or dancing or with their opposite gender. While I was just sitting here not even enjoying myself. I'm by myself because Alyssa left me for Sam and then Kaitlyn left me for Evander Kane and Madison also left me for another guy which was Ennis. So there you go I'm an official loner pouting here while everyone else is having the time of their lives.

I have been eyeing this one guy that was also alone. I believe it is Josh Chapman because that rather large gash on his four head was giving it away because I witnessed him getting into a fight with Kea but I don't remember kea'a first name because the only name that I'm remembering is Josh god damn Chapman.

I was looking down for a bit because I felt bad for myself and when I looked up I immediately froze because Josh fucking Chapman was staring at me. When our eyes caught each others he winked at me and looked the other way. I felt blood rushing to my cheeks and then I again looked at the ground because I was so embarrassed. I then felt a tap on my shoulder and I got super excited but then it was a huge let down when it wasn't him. But this guy was a very good looking man so I wasn't to disappointed. "Hi my names James, I couldn't just watch such a beautiful girl look upset so I thought I would ask if you would like to dance." he smiled at me with his perfect white teeth that made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Sure my names Bridget." I then returned the same smile. Which caused his smile to grow. I then took his hand and he led us to the dance floor and then I took a quick glance back at Josh and he looked kinda angry..I wonder why?

We started swaying to the music and then all of the sudden he started to touch me pretty inappropriately and that made me feel pretty uncomfortable so I tried to push him back but it was pretty useless because he was too strong. "Stop!!" I yelled.

"Is there a problem here?" a deep raspy voice said which caught our attentions and it was the one and only Josh Chapman. HOLY SHIT WAS HE HOTTER UPCLOSE!! "No dude everything's fine right babe." James looked at me with scary eyes so I just nodded but Chapman didn't believe it. "Are you okay there love?" he asked me and I shook my head no. So then Josh said, "I think I'm gonna have this lovely lady come with me." "NO!" James demanded. "Is that so?" Josh questioned.

"Yes." James replied with a smirk. josh then charged at James and punched the smirk right off his face. All I could do is stand there and gasp at the scene unfolding in front of me. Josh had James on the ground begging for mercy. I couldn't watch this anymore. "JOSH STOP PLEASE!" I yelled. Josh then stopped immediately and turned to me, "Come with me, you're coming with me to my place." All I did was nod my head and followed him out of the club like a lost puppy.

When we got to his apartment, he was just pacing around and pulling his hair and muttering curse words under his breath. "I can't believe I did that, I'm so sorry and I don't even know your name, I just couldn't.." I cut him off by crashing my lips into his. I pulled away and winked, "The names Bridget babe." With that he crashed his lips back onto mine which I gratefully returned the kiss. He then swiped his tongue over my lip which caused me to open my mouth more for him to gain more access. I then massaged my tongue with his. He then grabbed my hips and pushed me onto the bed and took his shirt off in the process which let me look at his amazing abs. I returned the gesture and took my dress off and he smirked at my confidence and my body which was still covered in black lace undergarments. "No fair!" I pouted. "What?" he stared with confusion etched on his face.

"I'm like already naked and you still have to many clothes on." I pouted again. He then caught on and smirked and pulled his pants down to leave him in tight Calvin Klein briefs. You could definitely see a hard on through those briefs which made me kinda blush. He then joined me on the bed. I then sat up and unstrapped my bra with a smirk on my face. His eyes went straight to my tits and got a whole lot darker due to the lust in them. He leaned forward and starting groping my already hard nipple which made me moan already. After he did that he slipped off my panties while I slipped off his briefs which led us to be both completely naked. He then pulled a condom on and positioned himself to go inside of me and with a nod of my head that's what he exactly did and boy did it feel good.

Kaitlyn's POV

I can't believe what just happened, I just HAD SEX WITH EVANDER FUCKING KANE! omggg. It was mind blowing and of course I got his number ;)) This is the best night of my life..boy was I wrong.

Madison's POV

I am just having the best time right now! You wanna know why?! It's because I've been hanging out with Tyler Ennis and we have been drinking a lot..whoopsie haha. No harm can really come with drinking the only thing that comes with drinking is lots of I right or what?! Tyler then came up to me and whispered in my ear, "Wanna get out of here babe?" Of course I nodded my head like a maniac. Like who wouldn't it was Tyler Ennis for god sakes!!

The best decision I have made tonight is definitely getting into his car with him. But it was definitely the worst.

My thoughts and decisions are definitely off tonight and I still don't know why I got into Ennis's car with him heavily intoxicated with him driving..

One thing led to another and my whole world turned white.

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