Finding the other towel

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Hi my name is towelie and this is my side of the story ..

It was hard being a towel...getting wetter as I dried...I was left on the floor to be stepped on and become crispy...I walked home while smoking a blunt full of OG KUSH and came across a box on the side walk ..... It was a brand new xbox 360 which came with a mic and the best game known to man BLACK OPS2 I plugged in my brand new and probably stolen Xbox 360 and to my very cheap box TV it didn't work so I stood in front of it for about 5 minutes and banged it on the top of the TV and it worked as I looked at the screen it was very bright for my weak brain and blood shot eyes I played search and destroy all day and night everyday I felt like I was having a great time until I came across a towel his gamer tag was "Aeon Kurky" he was a towel just like me and his name was towelie just like me we called each other towels as I was yelling at my tv I then found out we were meant to be best friends I felt like k finally found my way down the road we played all day the rest of the day and we came across a girl and we bother flirted but of course I got that first and I got her like so I backed out and invited my BestFriend to tell him the funniest shit ever so as he joined my game crying for stealing his girl I told him what my poor eyes have witnessed the very girl I kiked had a double chin bigger than her smile so we laughed harder than compressed weed for about 2-4 hours straight and then played another game of search and destroy and came across another girl her gamer tag was "MzMystiq" she was highly easy to get with and loved to play cod strip o.o who can make such a game so me and my BestFriend towelie started talking after 2 days of meeting this girl she called me the same names and did the same things she did with me to him :o I'm happy for my BestFriend he's such a towel and he always loved that fat chick with a double chin bigger than her smile :)

Signed Towelie

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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