Raura (3)

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They got nominated at the TCAs for best summer couple. :) Laura freaked out :) But the Raura fans gotta thank Raini for reminding her about that.

You guys won't give up, will you? I know, I know, Rourtney might end up like how Kellington did, in the trash -_-. And then Raura will end up like Rydellington, happy as a daffodil.

I don't know about you, but they might be right. Look at all the Raura Fanfics! There's like a thousand hundred times more than Raia and Rourtney Fanfics. It won't get old.

People are still creating Raura Fanfics. I also saw a fanfic called "Laia: Finding Love".

OH MY GOODNESS. The writer made Laura a lesbian 0.0 But I do understand why. Maybe she or he just couldn't choose to ship Raia or Raura, so LAIA! xD

That's my updates :)
Comments please :)))

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