The grinning Child part 1

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"Mom come upstairs!!" I grinned...
I heard my mom footsteps come upstairs grinning...
"What do you need?" She smiled, I grinned back...
"Just wanted to say hello." My mom awkwardly moved from the door frame.
"Dinner will be ready in five! love you!" ...I grinned..
"Ok." The excitement made my grin wider much like the buttcrack of my favorite teacher Mr. grinn. I grinned, he is my senpai. Grinning at the thought of a delicious butt dinner I grinned, senpai.... <3 mr grinn. I pushed these thoughts away as I grinned waiting for the dinner my mother was making.

"Grim! Come down stairs dinner is ready!" She yelled as I grinned my way through the door.

I tip toed down the steps with jordens on with a huge grin....
I slipped and smashed down the stairs grinning.....
Once I was at the bottom of the steps I grinned getting up to my feet....

My mom rushed over around the corner as I grinned.... "Are you okay sweetie?"

I grinned... "Don't worry mother. I'm fine."

She slowly stepped back as I grinned... I walked over to the kitchen grinning and sitting down at the table grinning once more.

"So... Can't wait for the first day of school tomorrow?" She asked me as I grinned.

"I am super excited mother." I grinned at her question.

"That's good..." She smiled as I grinned. I pushed up my glasses..... Grinning... I had always been home schooled, I didn't know why though. I grinned to myself grinning...

"I can't wait to make new friends mother." I grinned.

"You will make many friends!" She smiled as I grinned.

"Of course I will mother. Six grade will be fun mother." I grinned in excitement. I finished my dinner with a grin and I headed upstairs into my room grinning....
I am so excited for tomorrow! I thought me myself with a bigger grin.

My older sister *she is 18 years old* helped me write this XD she is also the one in the cover of the story :3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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