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There is no privacy, 17 years later every one knows my business. Every one I meet knows the details of my life, they don't bother hiding it. People in this world don't always know how to keep secrets, they just assume every body already knows. I don't hold it against them, ever since before I was born society is based on secrets. He knows every thing, he's one of us, he listens to us. Rumor has it he's gone crazy, knowing every ones secrets, who knows what kinds of people there are in the world.

I moved on a long time ago, I've lived my life just fine. Other than a few stares and whispers, it's been a happy story. Then I met Harry, made me feel things I never knew I wanted, things I wanted to forget. But ultimately safe, protected, loved.



So, this story is partially based off of 1984, only in the ways of Big Brother is always watching. However, he isn't the main protagonist. It may be a little confusing, but dont worry, it will all unravel as the story goes on. I know this is short, just wanted to get people to get an interest. Hopefully I will have the first chapter up soon.

Thanks so much!

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