Detailed information

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You stretch your arms as you arise from bed, still thinking about the strange visitors yesterday morning. You slowly open your eyes, and to your astonishment, there they are. Barbara and Kaioshin were sitting in chairs again, sipping tea, and were probably watching you sleep before you woke up.

Barbara arose from her seat and threw her arms in the air, her tea flying out of her cup and right onto Kaioshin's lap. Kaioshin threw his cup of tea to the ground, the once delicious liquid spilling all over the floor, and started patting his lap and crotch, trying to reduce the pain from Barbara's boiling tea.

You started sitting up to help, but Kaioshin waved you away. "No, no, I'm fine," he began with a chuckle. "Just a little spill from..." He looked at Barbara through narrowed eyes and continued through gritted teeth, "My lovely... wife."

Barbara's arms dropped to her side once more, and she turned around. Just noticing her accident, she put her hand behind her head and apologized. "I'm sorry, Kaioshin. Excuse me for my stupidity..." Out of nowhere, a napkin appeared in Barbara's hand, and she gave it to Kaioshin happily.

You laughed at the funny scene, for you never knew that two strangers that somehow broke into your room were ridiculous. "I wonder if they are just part of my imagination..." You thought, debating with yourself whether or not Barbara and Kaioshin were real or imaginary.

Kaioshin wiped up the tea with the napkin and raised an eyebrow. "You know, we aren't imaginary. We are real."

You, just remembering that Kaioshin could read minds, smiled and apologized to Kaioshin for doubting him and Barbara.

Barbara grinned and sat down again, grabbing three more cups of tea from under your bed. She handed one to you and Kaioshin, then began with a smile, "Alright! So I realize you wanted to know a little more about me!"

You peeked under your bed, expecting to find a tray of tea. When you didn't see anything but dust and dirty clothes, you sipped your tea and listened to Barbara talk.

Barbara set her tea in her lap and smiled at you. "Okay, so you already know the basics. If not, just read this note again." She handed you a sheet of paper that had a list on it. On the note there was a list. It read:

1.) I am a tomboy

2.) I love DBZ

3.) I love food

You set the note on your lap and Barbara continued. "Now, you should know the more detailed basics." She handed you another note and smiled. "This is a list of my hobbies."

You took the note and opened it, expecting to find another small list. But this time, the note was much longer. It read: 

1.) I love drawing! I usually draw anime or chibi characters, but lately I have gotten into drawing OC's and cats.

2.) I am a huge gamer! Now, if you are wondering if I play a certain game, save your question until the end of the story and comment on my "Questions" page!

3.) As I said earlier, I am a fan of DBZ. It is definitely my favorite anime, but I have also watched others. Not many, but a few. In my childhood I used to watch Yu-Gi-Oh, Bakugan, Digimon, and Pokemon. Now, thanks to my seven year older brother, I have been introduced to Deathnote, DBZ, Fruits basket, Inuyasha, Naruto, and many others!

4.) Don't let Kaioshin see this, but... I may or may not like Vegeta a lot. I have another account that displays how deeply in love I am in with Vegeta, but I couldn't decide between the two. So, I made two separate accounts so I could express my love for both of them!

5.) I love writing on a daily basis! I am a huge fan of reading horror stories and sometimes fantasy! Sometimes I will whip up a fantasy, but sadly, I am not very good at horror. I have been told that I am more of the joke-around type, and when I right a serious or scary book, it always ends up with too much humor. But, as long as I have fanfictions, I will survive!

You giggled and set down the note, looking at the two notes left in Barbara's hand. Barbara smiled while sipping her tea, and accidentally spilled on her shirt. She swatted at her breasts, trying to cool herself off.

Kaioshin laughed and pointed at Barbara. "Ha! That's what you get!" All three of us laughed and Kaioshin handed Barbara his napkin.

Barbara dabbed her chest with her napkin and smiled at you. "Okay, I'm good now... Whew! I thought my breasts would pop from all that heat!"

Kaioshin laughed. "How do you think I feel? My penis still hurts!"

Barbara grinned and handed you a third letter. "Here," she began happily. "This is another list of my personality and my family, all that lovely crap."

You accepted the note and opened it, realizing it was about as long as the last one. It read:

1.) I am what would be considered the middle child in my family. I have my 20 year old brother Gene, who moved out and is now engaged to his lovely fiance Amber. I was born a twin, but my twin brother died during birth. Instead of having a twin of my own, I have two sisters that are twins. They are 14 months younger than me, and are extremely annoying.

2.) My friends all describe me as a "joker". Some even call me immature! But, I am afraid it is true. Actually, scratch that! I am glad that is true! I enjoy making people laugh and feel happy inside, and when my friends call me a joker, or say I am immature, I accept that as a compliment!

3.) I live in the country out here in Superior Wisconsin. I have two lovely male cats named Ozzie and Paws. I have one dog named Wally, and he is a Gordon Setter. I also have dozens of chickens, quail, and a trout pond!

You smiled at Barbara and set down the sheet of paper, ready for the last note. Barbara handed it to you, and with a smile, she said, "This note is very special. It has weird facts about me, and at the end, it has my darkest secret!" She winked and gestured with her hand for you to read the note.

You opened the note, which read:

1.) The color blue reminds me of water pokemon.

2.) I enjoy watching Disney movies, especially Bambi (don't judge) and Cinderella.

3.) My favorite TV show is either Grimm or Family Feud.

4.) My favorite article of clothing is a gray shirt with the words "Vegeta is my spirit animal" on the front!

5.) My best friends on this website are: My bestie The-Dead-And-Broken, my bae AlexanderHenry, and my great friend AdeleOC!

6.) Now, my deepest, darkest, super, ultra, SECRET... Okay, so I used to have a boyfriend named Kelso. Only my good friends know the details, but Kelso died last year, and I haven't exactly gotten over it. Many dudes have asked me if I have gotten over his death, but try to figure this out: If I don't like talking about his death because it makes me sad, and I don't like boys more than friends, what makes you think I have gotten over him? Of course I will answer any questions you have about Kelso, but please, don't ask me if I am over him.

You set down the last letter and looked over at Barbara and Kaioshin, who were finished with their tea and were now performing a thumb wrestle. Every time they started a new game, Kaioshin would let Barbara think she was going to win, then right at the last second, he would slam her thumb down.

Barbara struggled to beat him, her eyes wide with excitement. "I'm gonna beat..... Damn. Oh, you're almost.... Shit...."

You couldn't help but laugh at their playful little game as you sipped your tea, enjoying their company. Suddenly, there was a knock at your door.

Kaioshin and Barbara quickly chugged the last drops of their tea, then waving goodbye, they both snapped their fingers and vanished. You shook your head and smiled, then went to answer the door.

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