6. Shade

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"Thad. Wake up." Olive whined. She shook my arm and kissed my neck. "I'm hungry."

I groaned. "You wakin' me up 'cause you hungry?" She stared at me for a minute with her mouth slightly open. I knew it was because she loved my voice when I first woke up.

She snapped out of it. "Yes and we going out with Ky and Hazel today."

"Wait to eat then." I groaned and rolled back over.

"Fine." She slapped me upside the head and bounced off of the bed and I rolled back over. It got quiet for a moment before she jumped on me and continually bounced up and down.

"I'm hungry. It's my food and I need it now!" She exclaimed and tugged on my dreads.

I gripped her waist and flipped her over so that I was towering over her. "For somebody who got fucked to pieces last night, you sure have a lot of energy."

Her cheeks slightly turned red and I kissed both cheeks and then her lips. I picked her up in my arms and carried her in the kitchen.

We had amazing sex last night. It was crazy as hell and wild. Something about Olive was different. She had a whole new walk and talk and attitude. It drove me crazy as hell and I was falling for her even more, if it was even possible. I'm addicted to her and sex with her. She went six rounds last night and that's definitely something new.

I placed a plate of hash browns with cheese and pancakes in front of her. I sat down a bottle of water and the ketchup next to it.

"Thanks baby. You da' best." She dug in and I rolled my eyes. I was starting to think she just liked to watch me cook while she sat in one of the tall island chairs and swung her feet.

After she ate, we got dressed. I went for black true shorts, a black "Born sinner" shirt, and all black custom Jordan Retro 13's.

I looked Olive up and down when she walked in the living room. She matched me with a black crop top, black shorts, and the same Jordan's. I took my phone out and snapped a picture of her while she was messing with her hair, then I took one with both of us in it.

We met Hazel and Kyan at an arcade for laser tag.

I never really had a childhood. Well, if you count shit like watching The Proud Family and playing a game cube, then I had that. I never had friends to hang out with. I used to look out my window at the kids playing football with their other friends, or playing on the park and eating ice cream.

Playing paintball definitely put me in a state of peace. I didn't have to go through the shit I went through as a kid. My parents used abuse as a form of "caring". They would hit me and tell me that they cared, but they really didn't. All of that started after my little brother died.

I hadn't had any form of happiness after he died. That's why I treated females the way I did. I wasn't happy and none of them filled the hole in my heart.

Olive, on the other hand, made me the happiest person on Earth.

After paintball, we grabbed some food.

"Can we just like, skip school forever?" Hazel mumbled.

"I agree." Olive started. "Let's drop out and be strippers."

Hazel's face lit up. "Ye-"

"I'll be damned." Kyan interrupted.

"You got me fucked up." I said at the same time.

Olive rolled her eyes. "You ain't my daddy, boy."

"That ain't what you said last night baby girl." I smirked and Kyan looked away from us as he sipped his tea, which is really sprite. Olive smacked my arm and poked out her bottom lip. I kissed her temple and rubbed her thigh.

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