Trust issues

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Stilies POV
"Why didn't she just tell me?!!" Yelled Scott punching the dash of the jeep.
I put a hand out in front of him "dude I just this thing fixed please don't screw it up on me"
Scott glared over at me "she didn't even tell me she was a werewolf"
I could see how frustrated he was and how hurt he was.
"Look I think this werewolf thing can wait like we kinda have a hybrid thingie running around killing people" I stated
"Created by me sister " Scott reminded "what would Allison do?"
This was gunna be hard.
Skylar's POV
I laid on the end of the couch with Isaac sitting in the chair next to me with Derek still on the couch unconscious. We had settled back down and had turned the TV on and had begun flicking through the channels.
I held a packet of frozen peas to the area of my head that hurt the most while Isaac tapped the end of the remote in an effort to get it working again.
I put my hand out and gestured for him to give it to me.
As he passed the remote our skin touched and I felt a tingle I looked up into Isaac's eyes that had flickered gold then back to normal. pulling my hand away with the remote I diverted my gaze to the buttons.
I pressed one of the buttons and the news flashes into the TV.
"Today residents of Beacon Hills California are again shaken by the recently discovered another body in the Beacon Hills Reserve. Sherif Stilinski spoke to the press about the situation" reported the news reader.
"The body discovered today is yet to be identified. As the wounds have made if difficult" explained the Sherif.
"What do you think did this?" Asked a member in the background
"At the moment it is believed to be another animal attack" he stated before turning.
"Could this be a repeat of events two years ago?"
"No further comment" the sherif concluded before whispering to one of the deputies and heading out the door.
"It seems we have new images coming through of the body. some may find these images disturbing and distressing."
An image of a bloody and torn body blinked onto the screen. The flesh was torn and ripped like claws up from the waist up. It was obvious what had done it.
My eyes burned. I looked down at my hands realising that I had crushed the remote in my hand. standing up I walked over and snatched my jacket off the bench and headed towards the door.
"Sky" Isaac stood between me and the door "I can't let you go out there"
I had to find Taylor and stop this "Isaac please I need to stop Taylor"
He shook his head "it's not your problem"
"No your right" I sighed "but I made it mine"
I quick stepped the the right of him but I was pushed back.
"Isaac I'm asking nicely" I said
He continued to sand there
"I'm sorry Isaac" I whimpered before grabbing has shirt and kissing him.
Taking in everything of the kiss I deepened it before feeling his energy merging with mine. his straining lessened until his heart was slow and weak. I pulled back and released him. His pale body tumbling to the ground. My eyes flicked absorbing the fresh energy.
"Please forgive me Isaac" I whispered already regretting what I had done.
I left out the door and turned down the street.
Really really short chapter and I feel like the story is getting lost and I'm worried but comment if something feels off.

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