My Holiday Romance - Louis Tomlinson (Chapter 7)

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You've all been great so far guys and the votes have been flying in ;D please continue to show your support as it means a lot to me :) I hope you're all enjoying the story so far and this is where it gets good and interesting. Beware of the cliffhangers guys, because there's guna be a lot o' em ;) Thank youuuu! :) Lana XxXxXxxXxXxXXXxXxxXxXxX

Chapter 7

I was lying in bed, trying to think of any flaws Louis had. None. I couldn't find a single teeny flaw, he was just all perfect. I looked at the clock to see it was 12:46am. I hadn't recieved a text from Louis to tell me he'd got home safe. I was starting to worry about him.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated. '1 New message from Louis.' I smiled. Thank god he's okay. 'Hey gorgeous ;) I'm home now, dont worry. Sweet dreams :) ily xxx' He's so sweet. I replied back, 'Good :) sweet dreams to you too handsome :P ily xxx' I could feel my eyelids growing heavey and soon enough, I closed them.


"Zoe! Hurry up! I'm taking you out for the day!" I woke up and rubbed my tired eyes. I checked the clock. 8:30am!? What the hell! I'm nackered! "Mum can we please pass on it today? I'm so tired." I yawned. "But this our special Mum and Daughter day!" She exclaimed as she flung open my bedroom door.

"I know but I didn't get in until 12:30 last night, I'm so tired." I said trying to convince her. "Well then how about we leave at twelve? Then you can carry on sleeping until eleven, huh?" She asked. "Fine." I sighed, crashing my head back to the pillow again.

I was awoken by a sudden thud at my window. I had been sleeping for two hours as the clock said 10:30am. I got up and hesitated to open the curtain until I heard another thud. I opened my curtain to see Louis standing outside, bikeless this time. I opened my window, smiling. "Ever heard of the door?" I asked smirking. "Pffft, yes but this way is more romantic." He smiled. I blushed as I realised that he was actually the cutest guy ever.

"Well what do you want Romeo?" I grinned, perching myself on the window seat in my room. "I've got some exciting news I want to tell you. Can you come out for a while?" He asked. "Damn. I can but only for like an hour. I'm going out with my mum at twelve." I replied. You see I would go anywhere with Louis at anytime of the day or night, but I don't want to go out with my mum.

Don't get me wrong, I love my mum but I spend everyday of my life with her and I only had eleven days left to spend with Louis before we leave. "Hmmmm, I don't know, it's pretty important and exciting. You'd need to be sitting down for it to take it all in. I'll leave it until later, dinner? Say six-ish?" He asked starting to walk backwards down the path. "Yeah okay. Louis watch out for that ste-" I laughed. He had fallen backwards and landed on his bum as he was going down the steps.

"Owwwww!" He yelped. "Awwwwwww, are you okay?" I asked still laughing kind of. "Yeah, I'll pick you up at six." He laughed as he brushed himself down and carried on walking, facing the right way this time.

He winked before turning his back to me fully, walking home again. I wonder what this news could be?


The whole way through shopping with mum, I was thinking hard about what this could be. I was scared incase it was something bad although he did say I would be excited. Hmmmm, I don't know. The thought was puzzling me all day. Finally, mum decided that shopping was tiring her out, so we headed home.

"What's up?" She asked as we were driving in the car. "Oh nothing, just.... Louis." I sighed. "Oh dear. Is something wrong between you two already?" She asked rolling her eyes. "No! Nothing like that at all! It's just he said he had some 'exciting' news to tell me, I just can't help but wonder what it could be." I replied, still thinking hard about what it could possibly be.

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