Chapter Two

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Today I have my first classes and we have PE first. I wear beige skort and a white top along with my normal heeled shoes. We have running around the grounds several times. After this we have music.
"We have a new student in our class today, um Rosalie Gordale."
"Sir." I say. "I already know the song Caress of the Ocean. I believe you and the choir are working on it."
"Brilliant! Like I said earlier, you are doing solo and backing with Morhange. Let's get started then." We sing the song and everyone looks at me in shock, even the two students who had already had heard me sing.
"You have a brilliant voice Rosalie." Pepinot says, from sat on the front desk.
"Thank you sweetie." I say, smiling. He grins at me.
"How old is she?"
"She's bloody brilliant."
"So's Morhange."
Whispers keep running around the room.
"I'm twelve. And I'm not as good as Morhange."
"We're as good as each other." Morhange whispers in my ear, his lips softly grazing the skin, though I think that was an accident. I smile in response, though my cheeks flare. He smirks as he spots my embarrassment. "By the way, I touched your ear on purpose. Watch out for Mondain. If he thinks we are 'into' each other he might leave you alone." He murmurs, again grazing his lips on my ear. A shiver runs down my spine which I ignore. He's two, maybe three years older but Mondain is 18. I nod and he gently takes my hand in his own, intertwining our fingers. At the end of the class we walk out together for lunch. We sit next to each other and I watch with hatred as some kid makes Pepinot pay for his lunch.
"One minute." I whisper to Morhange before getting up and going over to the table. "You disgust me." I hiss in the ear of the kid. "Making someone pay for their meal because they are smaller, younger than you and can't fight back is despicable. You better leave Pepinot alone or I will hurt you." I add. He gulps and blinks, giving Pepinot back his penny.
"Sorry." He mutters and Pepinot smiles at me.
"Thank you Rosalie." The tiny child says, getting up and hugging me.
"It's okay sweetie, I watch out for everyone." I say, hugging him back then sitting him back down. I walk back to Morhange.
"What was that?"
"They were making him pay for his lunch because he can't fight back this is why humanity fails we pick on the weaker people to make ourselves feel stronger." I mutter, taking Pierre's hand again.
"You're brave, you know that?" I nod.
"Braver than most." I add. "I got them to stop. Think I scared them a bit." I think out loud, looking at them eating slowly and shakily. "Whoops." Pierre laughs and kisses my cheek before we head to Arithmetic. I sit in between him and Pepinot, copying down everything the teacher says. I get bored partway through and start doodling, I already know all this. My eyes slowly shut, and my head falls on Pierre's shoulder, and I drift into a sleep...
I'm woken by the teachers shouting. I sit up groggily, and look around me. The teacher grabs me by the hair and pulls me to the front of the class.
"HOW DARE YOU SLEEP IN MY CLASS?!" He bellows and I raise my eyebrows. He drags me out the room by my shoulder, his nails digging in and takes me to the cells. Mathieu appears just before I'm shoved in.
"Whats happening to her?"
"She's going in the cell for disrespecting me and my class." The teacher spits, his face red with rage. Matheiu passes me a bunch of papers.
"Learn these songs while you're in here." I notice something solid between some of the papers and I nod. It's a key. It'll get me out. And a watch, so I know when it's time for dinner. I get pushed in the cold cell, and the door locks behind me. I look at the papers. Vois Sur Ton Chemin. I look at the pitch of the notes and begin to sing.
"Vois sur ton chemin. Gamins oubliés égarés. Donné leur la main. Pour les mener. Vers d'autres lendemains. (Donné leur la main. Pour les mener. Vers d'autres lendemains). Sens au cœur de la nuit. L'onde d'espoir. Ardeur de la vie. Sentier de gloire. De la vie. Sentier de gloire. Bonheurs enfantins. Trop vite oubliés, effacés. Une lumière dorée brille sans fin. Tout au bout du chemin. (Vite oubliés, effacés. Une lumière dorée brille sans fin). Sens au cœur de la nuit. L'onde d'espoir. Ardeur de la vie. Sentier de gloire. De la vie. Sentier de gloire. É lé é i lé é é lé i é lé é lé é i lé é  i lé é i é é lé é i lé é é lé i i é lé é lé é i lé é i lé é i é lé. Vois sur ton chemin. Gamins oubliés égarés. Donné leur la main. Pour les mener. Vers d'autres lendemains. (Donné leur la main. Pour les mener. Vers d'autres lendemains). Sens au cœur de la nuit. L'onde d'espoir. Ardeur de la vie. Sentier de gloire. Sens au cœur de la nuit. L'onde d'espoir. Ardeur de la vie. Sentier de gloire." I smile and check the watch. I'm missing the class with Rachin. I'm glad. I begin to hum the tune to Oh Nuit. It's a catchy song. Then I check the watch. It's five minutes till dinner. I sigh and unlock the door. I sneak out and see Morhange in a cell.
"What happened?" I ask him. I know its soon but I definitely have a crush on him.
"I drew in my notebook during Monsieur Rachin's class he wanted to see it. It said 'Rachin eats cartloads of shit' so I'm in trouble. He beat me too." I gasp in horror and unlock his cell.
"Mathieu gave me a key so I could get out at dinner." I explain. "He's brilliant." I add, leaving the cells with him.
"Oui, I guess." Pierre says with a faraway look. He takes my hand and we walk to dinner, Mondain staring unhappily. I just glare at him before sitting with Pierre again. After we've eaten he heads up to the dorms and I go to the headmasters office. I'm stopped on the way by Mondain.
"You're finally alone. Don't worry honey. I'll protect you." He says going to make a move on me but I scream. "Shut up bitch." He slaps me and knees me in the stomach to get me to shut up before roughly kissing me. I push him off wiping my mouth and I begin to sob uncontrollably as teachers and Pierre come into my line of sight.
"We were warned he was a pervert but she is underage and he is over! What was he thinking?!" Rachin shouts. Pierre helps me up and I sob into his chest.
"It's not fair!" I mutter repeatedly. "It's not fair." I repeat before just collapsing, Pierre sinking to the ground with me.
"You'll be alright Li. You'll be okay." I nod, and wipe my tears away. I turn to Mondain, who is being restrained by all the teachers except for Mathieu, who is standing with me and Pierre. I remember a song and sing a few lines to Mondain.
"I hope you're not alright. I hope you're not okay. When you sleep dream of only pain." I sing softly but fiercely at the same time. He glares at me before lunging towards me. They restrain him and Mathieu pulls me out of reach of Mondain.
"I'll be better once I know you belong to me, honey." Mondain hisses, glaring at me.
"I will never belong to you." I hiss in response. He smirks.
"That's what you think."
"It's what I know." I reply, glaring. He smirks and let's himself get lead away. I glare at him as he disappears.
"You can no longer by alone, little one." Mathieu says. "Pierre, you must stay with her at all times." He instructs the blonde holding me. He nods, squeezing my hand.
"What about sleeping arrangements?" I ask, my cheeks heating up.
"He'll have to share with you - after all, you cannot share with him. But no funny business." Mathiew warns us. We both nod.
"Oui, Monsieur." I reply and Pierre wraps his arm around my waist as we walk to my room. He tries not to stare as I pull the key for my room out my bra. "I'm tired." I murmur, just collapsing onto my bed and falling straight asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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