Chapter 31: Battle At Volker

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Lyric's mind couldn't shy away from the intensity of the dream if it was a dream at all. "Give me blood and I will give thee stone." The sentence echoed through her mind with every step she took, shaking her core with the ominous growl of a voice. She had never heard a voice like that before, she never even believed a voice like that could exist. It seemed too dark, too evil but, it remained on a loop inside her head. What could it mean? Who did it belong to? The pressure returned in a small wave that sent her reeling, sputtering to the dirt below her feet. The dizziness stayed for several minutes before dissipating like it had never existed in the first place. She picked herself up slowly, making sure that she was steady on her feet before daring to take a step. Lyric spaced each foot down with purpose, nearly stomping as she went along until she was sure that she was back to normal.

The world around her seemed oddly bright compared to the streets of Sitharu. The ice hadn't touched anything outside of their hidden city and it caused both concern and intrigue to blossom in her mind. It couldn't be a natural winter if it had only touched one city and it was several weeks early. They should have had more time to gather supplies. The force with which the winter slammed against them felt more like an attack than an actual storm. Even now, if she looked back over the vast expanse of Sithaurian woods, she could see the ominous gray clouds hanging low over the treetops, spitting sheets of ice and snow at the city. The citizens were all huddled in their homes trying to wait it out but she could tell that this storm wasn't going to end soon. It was otherworldly, far too powerful and dangerous. Lyric found herself wondering if perhaps a sorcerer had done it. That was if sorcerers existed but she didn't know for sure.

As she drew closer to the city of Volker, a strange set of wounds reached her ears. The clash of metal and the distinct howl of wolves. Screams rose into the air and smoke began to billow from one of the buildings in the distance. Lyric shoved her hand into her pocket, removing s small moth. The wings were the typical grey color with bright pink markings but their size was extraordinary. Eryn had developed these little Hawk Moths to carry messages between people, making them much more inconspicuous than a pigeon or eagle. Lyric whispered the words to the creature and tossed it into the air, watching it disappear in mere seconds.

With her heart thundering against her chest, she freed her bow and began to sprint across the field toward the city. The moment her boots hit the mud, she drove her body up the side of a house, pulling herself onto the thatched roof. She lay on her stomach, peeking over the edge to try and make sense of what she was hearing. Large, angry men were cascading through the streets, braids flying in all directions, spackled with blood and muck. She lay prone, watching, studying them as they moved. She had never seen a group of men move so efficiently, their blades leaving no person untouched. Men came swinging in defense as women snatched up their children and ran. Arrows cut through the air and sank into flesh without discrimination. Lyric's stomach twisted as she recalled her training with the Guard. Only strike in defense and only kill if necessary. She sat processing the situation but found herself reacting without thought as a man aimed his axe at a young girl.

Raising to her knees, she swiftly nocked an arrow and released it, sending it through the air and the man's throat before his axe could even begin to come down. He fell hard, his axe falling flat beside his body. His comrades twisted in the direction the arrow came from but she had already disappeared, moving to the next roof silently. Bringing her body up behind a small pile of thatch meant for a repair, she loosed another arrow, striking a man in the wrist, causing his saex to vanish into the mud. Two men spun and entered the house, looking for the archer. Lyric waited until they had decided the house was empty before she dropped down, one knife burying itself in the largest man's neck. The other knife hit the smaller one in the chest and shoved his body onto the ground. She brought the heel of her boot down against his head to send him quickly into unconsciousness.

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