Chapter 1

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They stood just outside the doors of the building, slightly surprised that they were here. It was the end of the school day and they were standing on the inside of a tall fence that surrounded the edges of an asylum that had been turned into a jail. It had lasted a long time before everybody went insane, a fullweek! It was then bought by a very rich person who has never set eyes on a single brick of the asylum. Behind a group of the hole big enough for somebody to climb through that was created by years of rust, inviting them in. Next to the asylum was a forest that no one dared enter.

"Apparently," said the eldest of the group looking up at the aged building "A crazy old lady lives in there. She was never seen going in. She just appeared at the window one day, nobody has gone to investigate, and nobody cares." He turned his back on the building to look at his friends.

The four of them were all scared, even if they didn't want to show it. The youngest of the group was holding hands with the only girl there, who must have been his girlfriend. The other two were staring at the building, which seemed to be staring back at them. One of them had messy brown/dirty blond hair and the other looked kind of like Andy Murray.

"Are you sure we should be breaking into this place Alex?" asked the youngest. Alex looked back at him.

"Why Keir, are you scared of the creepy, old lady?" he asked.

"If we were scared," replied the brown/dirty blond haired "then we wouldn't have lied to our parents and told them that we were sleeping over with a friend after school."

"Technically Rob," Said the Andy Murray look-alike "we weren't lying."

"How weren't we lying Adam?" asked the girl.

"Because Helaina," replied Adam "We are sleeping over, maybe not at the place out parents thought we were, with a friend, or friends."

"Exactly" said Alex before Helaina could disagree "Think about it as twisting the truth, it is not your fault that your parents misunderstood where you could be going tonight."

Helaina didn't like it, but Keir squeezed her hand gently to tell her that it was going to be fine.

"So," started Robert "Shall we go in then?"

"Did you all bring a change of clothes?" asked Alex

"Yea, but why did we need to?" replied Keir

"Because, don't you think that your parents would get suspicious if you came home in your school clothes as you did yesterday?" explained Alex

"Are you going to get changed?" asked Helaina as everyone checked their bags

"No," said Alex "because sixth forms don't need to wear school uniform, plus my parents won't mind. So, does everybody have what they need?"

They all nodded.

"Then let's go!"

They walked to the big iron doors and saw that it was locked however, because of the rust of years of rain and the strength of Alex, the door opened just enough for the group just to slip in. Alex was the last one in and when he released his weight from the door, it slammed shut.

"Looks we aren't leaving any time soon. " Stated Adam "So, shall we have a look around then?"

Their first impression of the asylum was that it had three floors and was very dark, despite only being about four o'clock in the afternoon. This was hardly surprising however because there was only one window build in to the building. The only window was a stained glass one in the front wall of the asylum which looked like a rainbow on a sunny day, however with age it looked a lot darker than it should have. Under the window were the words:


"Rainbow asylum?" asked Keir "what kind of name is that for a place like this?"

"I don't know." Replied Alex "but it just makes this place seem that much spookier."

"So, are we going to stand here all day or are we going to lose our minds to this place like so many before us?" Asked Robert

They started to look around. All of the cells looked the same: brick walls with brick floors and iron bars made into doors. They climbed the aged brick stairs on the right hand side of the building to the second floor to find much of the same. When they reached the bottom of the stairs that lead up to the third floor they stopped because they heard a distant, maniacal laughter.

"Where was the crazy old lady spotted again?" Keir asked Alex

"She was seen in the stained glass window, which is on the third floor." He replied

"Maybe we should leave it until tomorrow." Suggested Helaina "I mean, it is already getting dark."

This was perfectly true of course; they had spent the best time of three hours searching the past two floors and because it was autumn, the sun had already gone to sleep.

"Alright then," said Adam "shall we go downstairs and sleep in the main hall?"

"Why should we?" asked Alex "When there are perfectly good beds in the cells?"

"You mean, sleeping where the insane people did all those years ago?" asked Keir nervously

"Why not, we're only staying the one night." Replied Alex

"OK then" agreed Robert

Before they went to sleep, they went into the main hall and talked as well as ate the food and drank the fizzy drinks that Alex had brought along with him. After that, when it was about eleven o'clock, they all settled down into their individual cells, except for Keir and Helaina who shared a cell. They still talked to each other though the walls but eventually, they drifted off to sleep.

Then they woke up to Adams insane laughter.

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