Chapter 2

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Helaina was first to wake up at what must have been one or two o'clock in the morning to hear the manic laughter of what was once known as Adam. She woke Keir and then the two of them woke Robert and Alex. Once they were all awake they cautiously approached the cell where Adam had been sleeping. What they found in there, they would never forget.

It was Adam.

He was in the corner of the cell, curled up into a ball, holding his knees in his arms, laughing.

"Adam?" Asked Robert "Are you okay?"

Adam stopped laughing and turned his head slowly to look at the group.

"I'm fine thanks Robert," he said, but in a voice that wasn't his own "I was just visited."

"Visited?" repeated Keir "by the crazy old woman?"

Adam shook his head "by the ghost."

Everybody suddenly shivered

"We need to get help." said Helaina

"Definitely." Agreed Keir

"NO!" screamed Adam who lunged at them and spilled over a bottle of Fanta which cracked and rolled over into the corner of the cell. Everybody backed away as Adams blood started to pour out of his eyes, nostrils, mouth and ears.

They all rushed over to the main door of the Asylum. They all tried to open the door together but it wouldn't budge. With Adams screams ringing in their ears,they found an old bar of a cell that had been rusted off the cell door due to a leak in the roof. They tried to use this to get leverage on the door to push it open, but to no avail.

The screaming stopped and they looked back to see Adams corpse on the floor behind them. It looked as if he had tried to drag himself towards them in a desperate attempt to get himself towards the door and escape. A trail of blood marked his progress out of the cell door and towards the exit that wouldn't open.

Alex and Robert look at the shell of their former friend with disbelief as Helaina started to cry. Keir, who was also shocked, tried to comfort her but he was obviously as scared as her. They all were.

It was Alex that started to freak out first.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" He exclaimed, blistering the eerily silence that surrounded them.

"Dude, calm down!" Robert shouted back at him

But Alex would not calm down; in fact Alex totally lost it. He started to punch the brick walls, the iron bars and he even tried to break the door down that was our only entrance and exit. He went into Adams cell and tore it apart; destroying the bed by ripping it off the ground and throwing it at the opposite cells. Then he calmed down and sat down in the corner of the cell. Keir pulled out his phone and called the police, his parents, an ambulance however he couldn't get a signal. Helaina tried to only to be greeted by the same disappointment.

The remainders of the group came into Adams cell as soon as they were confident that Alex had calmed down some. It was then that Robert noticed something. The cracked bottle of Fanta was pouring its contents into the floor but instead of creating a puddle of orange liquid, the floor seemed to be absorbing the offering of the plastic container.

Robert pointed this out to the rest of the group and they all came to investigate. Alex stayed where he was for a few seconds, and then came to see what Robert was pointing out. He crouched down to have a closer look and ran his hands over the bricks that the fizzy drink was disappearing into, that's where he found a grove and knew that the floor was hiding something. Seeing a possible exit from this place of misery, he quickly went to grab the rusted iron bar they had tried to use to open the door of the asylum and forced one end into the grove on the bricks.

Using it like a lever, he pushed down on the other end and the bricks began to rise. The rest of them went over to held Alex and, when all their weight was on the bar, the bar suddenly gave way and they all fell to the floor. They were laying on the floor with the pole under them and then they saw that they had done it!

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