Never alone

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Doctor please tell me he'll be alright, Please!!!
Ahrens mom says as she watches him take a breath.
He should be fine, I promise.
Hours and hours later Ahren finally wakes.
Ahren... Are you okay buddy? I'm sorry for everything I've done I know this is my fault I shouldn't have went through your stuff.
Whatever Ahren says as he gets out the bed to call the doctor.
Doctor.... Can you remove this woman from my room please she is bothering me.
Wa-wa-wait this is my son I can't leave.
I'm sorry ma'am said the doctor but he's 18 you have to leave.
Later after she leaves Ahren meets a guy but he's not like any other guy his name is joel. I saw what you did to your mum dude. That wasn't right, she was just trying to help you!! She loves you and I can tell my mum didn't even come to visit me and she wouldn't keep trying to take care of me if I told her I hated her. For sure!!
You don't live with me and you don't know what's going on in my life. Ahren says as they pack their things.
I'm just saying try being a little nicer next time if there is one because you'll never know when you'll need her.
ALRIGHT BOYS IT 4:00 it's time to get on the bus and head to the home.
Home? What's that, Ahren asks Joel as he gets his stuff together to get on the bus. It's a place for people who don't want to live with their parents, you have roommates... Well I am your roommate. You're not forced to come, but unless you want to be living on the street I think you better come because remember what happened to you last time?

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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Never aloneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang