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TW: mention of sexual acts

Mia sat there, now cuffed to the table. Her mind was in a jumble. How did this happen? She had been incredibly careful. Why had Char run to Sorscha? Did she ever truly love her? Superficial lust. Something is going on between her and Sorscha. She didn't know what, but she suspected they were sleeping together. She could understand Char cheating on her. She might even deserve it after the life she had lived. The pain she had caused. What she couldn't understand was why either of them would do that to Clodagh.

Clodagh from everything she could gather was, like Char, an angel on earth. Sweet as pie. Well maybe not like Char. Not if she could do this.

She had always thought she was like an angel on earth, but now. She couldn't wrap her mind around it. She wasn't the only one who saw Char this way. She hadn't been blinded by love. Charlotte had deceived all of them.

"Ms. Roberts where were you on the night of November 7th?"

She had been with Autumn. Searching for Roger but saying that probably wasn't going to help her case. She stayed silent. They had allowed her one call and Autumn had said to stay silent.

She had half a mind to blow the lid off their investigation and tell them all about the night Sorscha found the body. She knew that wouldn't change what Char had done, and it would hurt people she had already hurt enough.

The real question was how Autumn was going to prove her innocence without implicating herself or someone else. She would rather go to prison than hurt Autumn or Reece again. Without Char, she didn't have much anyway. She didn't know who did it or if they would be worthy of her protection, but she had an overwhelming feeling to just confess and end this insanity for everyone involved. Maybe then Reece and Autumn could find peace. And Marjorie. Marjorie could heal.

A/N: I know it is short, but it acts as segue to the next part of this arc.

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