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This place? I remember that it's her, yeah that's her, I need to follow her.

I was running behind her but I couldn't see her properly, maybe because of this winter fog.

I don't know how she looks but yeah the only thing I saw was her eyes.
I was running behind her and she vanished.

Everything suddenly went dark and I was trying to open my eyes.
"Who are you?" I woke up.

"Is this a dream again?" I realized.

Days passed, months passed, sorry years passed but still, I couldn't find her.

I still regret not asking her name.
I still regret not seeing her face.
I still regret not chasing her that day.

But I know that one day I'm going to find her and meet her.

I stood up and walked to the window and opened the windows.
Watching the pretty moon I promised the moon that one day I'd introduce it to my dream girl who was the reason I watched it.

"Can you tell me about her?" I asked the moon.
"I know she is watching you and you are watching her, i want to watch you with her and tell her how many times I have asked you about her" I closed my eyes to see hers.


The moonlight illuminated her as she gazed at the moon from the balcony.

That smile on her face whenever she looks at the moon.

"You gave me nothing but hope." She took a deep breath.

I still can't get rid of those nights when I wanted to sleep but couldn't when I wanted dreams but ended up having nightmares. She thought.

She released a deep breath.

"After a long time, I feel like things around me are getting better." She was gazing at the moon crossing her arms around her waist.

"I used to be scared before sleeping because of those nights but now I am happy to have these dreams which I store in my heart and paint the Art with my heart." She was remembering her dreams.

She was lost in her thoughts when cold air from the balcony hit her. Shivers ran through her body and she caressed herself tightly.

She gazed at her left hand, noticing the ring on her finger, and then fixed her eyes on the ring before gently pressing it.

"I believe," she smiled.

Because we are watching the same moon. She thought

She went to her desk took her diary and started writing about her day.

"-Good night dear," she wrote at the end.

Her eyes fell on a stick pad she grabbed a highlighter and a stick pad.

"When?" It was the only thing she wrote and was staring at a paper that she had written.

The wind hit her hard and her hold got loose and the paper fell near the balcony.

She glanced at the opened balcony door and stood up.

She went near the door and was about to pick up the paper which fell near the balcony's French door but her eyes fell on something which was in the corner of the balcony.

She bent and picked up the coin which was in the corner of the balcony.
"A coin?" She furrowed.

She checked the coin twice on both sides and pursed her lips.
She went to her desk and sat.

UNFORGETTABLE LOVE : Destiny's ReconnectionWhere stories live. Discover now