Chapter 5: "Please Keep Loving Me."

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(Before anyone comes at me yes- I know. I promised that I'd be doing a longer chapter, I'm lucky I even got this one done. My brain wouldn't work. 🤣

TW: mentions of fresh burns, talk of darkness and fears.)

Mia had done a beautiful job at taking the brunt of the questions Charlotte's daughters had been throwing at them the whole ride home. Charlotte stared ahead blankly. Her mind was racing with thoughts, but her voice was frozen in her throat. David had succeeded in yet again getting deep into her mind. She tried to speak, to interact with her understandably concerned daughters- but her lips trembled instead, and her words remained trapped. Panic crawled around in her head, running rampant laps through her thoughts. She felt trapped in her own mind, unable to escape the terror that gripped her. How could David be so cruel? So callous? Yes, Lily and Mariah were half his - that part was obvious. But he acted like they were simply pawns in his game, his war against their mother. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess, a chaotic mix of fear and desperation.
"Girls, what do you say to a Little Mermaid movie night with me and mummy?" Mia's voice cut through Charlotte's panic, pulling her from the darkness once again, just as Mia always did. She grinned, catching Charlotte's reaction out of the corner of her eye.
"Can we have popcown?" Lily asked, completely forgetting all that had happened just moments prior. Charlotte felt a smile tug at her lips. Through all of her bad days, the girls had always been a beacon of light for her - literally. There was no fear when it came time to tuck them in, not even in the dark.
"I think even mummy would be okay with that tonight." Mia glanced in her rear view, winking at Lily playfully. She giggled as she covered her face. Charlotte felt her heart swell at the sound. Mia had always been so good with the girls. She was a perfect distraction to them, to Charlotte - when they'd needed it most. "What do you say, Mar?" Mia adjusted her sights to Charlotte's eldest daughter. She still had a concerned look on her face but nodded softly.
"Yes, please." She said with a small smile. Mia couldn't help but feel her lips tugging into a cheesy grin. Nothing made her feel the way Charlotte and her daughters did. Never in her life did she see herself becoming domesticated - but something about the small family taking up her car made her feel mushy inside. She swore she'd never tell a soul.
"What do you think, mummy-" Mia turned her face to a girlfriend with a wink. Charlotte couldn't stop the laugh that escaped her throat.
"Yeah. I think that sounds perfect." Mia felt relief wash over her body. She hadn't seen that smile all day.
"I think that calls for a....snack stop!" Mia stuck her tongue out in the rear view, earning squeals and giggles from the backseat. Charlotte shook her head with a giggle. Mia was doing what Mia did best, using her creative problem solving to make sure that Charlotte's needs were met. She hadn't eaten yet, and Mia knew that she would have to if her daughters were too.
"I would have to agree." Charlotte looked over, smiling at her girlfriend. For a moment, she swore she saw a tear in Mia's eye.

"Miiaaaaaa!" Lily shouted out as she ran from the living room to meet Mia in the kitchen. "Hurry uppp!"
"You said you wanted popcorn, squirt!" Mia held up the bowl, tilting her head in playful confusion. Lily stopped for a moment before letting her shoulders slump in defeat.
"Oh yeah." She huffed before turning to run back into the living room.
"No, I've got it, don't worry!" Mia rolled her eyes with a laugh, tossing all the junk food into the popcorn bowl. Her heart skipped a beat when she walked in to find Charlotte covered up with a blanket, her arms wrapped tightly around her eldest with a peaceful smile. She knew there was plenty to be discussed, and it would have to be. But for this moment, she needed to be here.

Mia sat down next to Charlotte, beckoning her to lean into her body for support. Charlotte settled into a position snuggled under Mia's arm, with Mariah snuggled into her. Lily had made herself comfortable next to Mia, her hands stuffed into the popcorn bowl. Charlotte took in the feeling surrounding her. She lifted her head gently to look at her lover. Mia brought her hand from Charlotte's shoulder to tilt her chin up. She pressed her lips to Charlotte's softly, trying to silently remind her how much she loved her. Charlotte let her lips sit just barely apart from Mia’s as she opened her eyes, letting them lock with Mia’s. She stared intently for a moment before she mouthed the words "I love you" into the space between them. Mia felt her lip threaten to tremble. She didn’t dare let it show. Instead, she simply smiled, taking in the moment between them.

Charlotte stood in the doorway of the girl’s room, watching as they peacefully dreamed of mermaids and princes. They had no idea of the way the world around them operated, no fears of the world unknown. They only knew the love they were given and the happiness that simple pleasures brought. Charlotte vowed that her children would never know the truth behind what she felt, what David had done. If there was one thing she knew in the midst of all the chaos, she loved her family. She loved Mariah, Lily- and now Mia. Mia had made herself at home in their little nest, and she couldn’t be more thankful for it. Without her... Charlotte didn’t dare think of where she would be - or if she would even be.

She turned to look at the hallway, its dark and looming atmosphere extending lengths beyond its physical stopping point. Charlotte felt like the floor would give out from under her if she stepped any further into it. She could fall deep into the endless darkness, and no one would ever know. No one would notice she was gone. Except.. She knew that wasn’t true. Mia would know. Mia would care. She saw it with her own eyes that Mia was petrified to lose her. Even if that were the case, though- she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was too much for her, that her crumbling mental state would push away the one person she ever really had loved, and loved her. She inhaled a shaky breath as she willed her feet to walk the path needed to get back to that love, back to Mia. Light at the end of that darkness.
“Baby?” Mia poked her head out of the doorway to their room, her eyes landing on Charlotte cowering at the end of the hall. “Baby, come here.” Mia stepped out into the hallway, opening her arms wide so Charlotte could see them. In an instant, she felt the peace of a million sunshines take over her. She ran towards Mia, falling into her open arms. Mia wrapped her arms around her tightly.
“Can we take a shower..?” Charlotte whispered, thinking of everything that had happened up to then. She felt dirty, like no amount of scrubbing could get her clean.
“Of course, sweetheart. Come on. Let’s get you undressed.” Mia kept her arms around her tightly as she spoke before reaching down to take her hand. Charlotte smiled softly as she followed in Mia’s steps. 

Mia lifted Charlotte by her hips onto the counter, slowly helping her get undressed. Charlotte kept her eye’s on Mia’s attentive form. She was so careful as she slowly removed each item of clothing. Mia stopped herself at Charlotte’s leggings. She sighed, almost fearfully. Charlotte used her hand to lift Mia’s face to her own.
“You don’t have to.” Charlotte whispered. Mia shook her head.
“I want to. I just-” Mia fought back the tears threatening to flow. “Hips up.” Mia smiled, trying to joke lightly. Charlotte pushed up off her hands, letting Mia slowly remove the last piece of clothing. Charlotte held her breath, terrified that this would be the act that ran her off. Mia’s eyes were locked on Charlotte’s legs, making Charlotte feel sick. Mia gingerly ran her fingers up Charlotte’s leg, being careful to avoid touching the burns. Charlotte’s stomach was in knots as she watched.
“Do you -...Do you still l-love me...?” Charlotte felt her words gargle in her mouth like rocks in a jar. They were pathetic, and she knew it. Mia’s head snapped up, her face twisted between confusion and anger.
“Wh- Charlotte, how could you ask me that?” Mia’s voice was dripping in betrayal. Somewhere in her soul, she knew that Charlotte didn’t mean to hurt her, that nothing was meant other than exactly what she said. But she lived and breathed for Charlotte. How could she even question if that was the truth?
“I’m a mess, Mia. My mind is an endless hole. What if I am too much- I am too much!” Mia shot to her feet, throwing her arms around Charlotte’s body. She hugged her as tight as she could, keeping her still as she continued to sob out self damaging thoughts.
“I won’t let you talk about the love of my life that way.” Mia said through Charlotte’s self berating. “The love of my life is struggling, yes. But she is also many beautiful things.  She is the greatest mother, her children love her. She is a brilliant cook, her meals bring me comfort that I will never be able to explain. She is a phenomenal lover, she makes me feel like I have a reason for existing. She is everything to me, and I won’t let you talk about her that way.” Mia felt Charlotte lessen her struggle against her arms, her sobs lessening with every breath. Mia finally felt safe in letting her out of her grasp, bringing her face level with Charlotte’s. “I won’t leave you, Charlotte. Especially not when you’re struggling. You are my forever person. Forever is not conditional.” Mia spoke sternly, praying that Charlotte would understand the gravity.
“I want to make it to forever.” Charlotte whimpered.
“Forever is just a moment away.” Mia smiled softly, placing a kiss to her head.

A moment is but a second, and Mia was about to find out how quickly a moment could change.

(Don't bite me! 🤭)

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