Part 6

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Zayn’s P.O.V.

            “They think I did it!” Louis yelled at me, his anger evident in his eyes. I bit my lip. “They think that I was the one who fucking bought the drugs!”

            “Calm down, okay?” I said, “Your parents are wrong. I know you aren’t a druggie,”

            “But they think I am and they are kicking me out!” Louis screamed, throwing his beanie at me. It hit me in the face, and I grabbed it, looking at Louis with soft eyes. The poor lad wasn’t used to being turned on by the people he loves. I was. “Maybe I should just go and actually become a druggie now, huh?” He chuckled.

            “Louis, calm down, mate,” I said, reaching forward and grabbing his shoulder, “Life isn’t ending, okay? All we have to do is find a place for us to stay, yeah? I will keep trying to get a job, and you can keep singing on the street. We might be able to rent out a nice little apartment…I mean, probably a one room flat, but it would work,”

            “Shut up, Zayn!” He yelled at me, “I know you are used to living off the streets and having nothing, but I’m not!”

            His words stung, and I stood from the steps I was sitting on, giving him a hard look, “Fine, stay here and complain like a baby. I’ll be back job hunting.”

            I left him on the corner of the street, yelling and cussing, completely angry. But I was pissed. Just because his parents found drugs in the house they blamed Louis, just because he was the oldest of the Tomlinson’s children. But it wasn’t Louis. Trust me, I would know if it was. It must belong to one his sisters.

            So, I was back on my own, knowing that Louis would come back into my life eventually, maybe when he wasn’t so angry and childish. I was back to searching for a job, hoping to be able to make enough money to have my own flat, instead of having to sleep on a park bench every night.

            A few days later, I found a gas station that was hiring. They had low standards as employees came, and as soon as I asked for the application, I got the job. I started working at the gas station every day, earning more money than I thought possible for a guy like me.

            And so, for once in my entire life, things were actually looking up. 

            That is, until I heard about what happened to Louis.

            They found him dead on his favorite street corner, his grey beanie discarded to the side, and covered in blood.


Harry’s P.O.V.

            “No,” I cried, grabbing onto Zayn’s shirt, “I’m so sorry,”

            “It’s fine,” He said, wiping his eyes, “Life just hasn’t been very good to me, but it’s okay. I’ve learned a lot.”

            I shook my head, pulling Zayn in for another kiss, letting his tongue explore my mouth. When I pulled away, he tilted his head, staring at me.

            Suddenly, loud noises came from outside.

            “Mr. Malik, if you don’t come out soon we are coming in!”

            Zayn bit his lip. He no longer had leverage over them. His hostage was slowly becoming his friend, and it’s not as if he would go to threaten me now. Or, maybe he would. Zayn seemed to be slightly unpredictable.

            “Harry, they are going to come in soon and take me away.” Zayn said.

            “No,” I cried, “Remind them you have a hostage,”

            Zayn chuckled, “They know I won’t hurt you. They know I’m weak.”

            “No, Zayn, they can’t take you.” I mumbled, grabbing his shirt, “Just…finish the story…please?”

            Zayn nodded sadly, and continued on.


Zayn’s P.O.V.

            “Zayn Malik you are under arrest for the murder of Louis Tomlinson,” The police officer said, walking around the gas station front counter.

            I know you aren’t supposed to run. It makes you look guilty, but I was the last person seen with Louis, and I knew they were going to think it was me. Plus, his parents hated me. I was the prime suspect. And how the hell was I supposed to pay for a lawyer.

            So I ran as fast as I could, hopping over the counter and out the front door, running until my lungs burned and I found myself in a small alleyway, alone.

            Anger flowed through me like it never had before, and I took my hands, slamming them into the brick wall beside me.

            “Zayn, don’t do that,” It was Liam, standing there, looking so young and happy.

            I bit my lip, knowing that he wasn’t real, but wanting nothing more than to hug him, and tell him how much I have missed him.

            “Liam, I’m going to go to jail,” I whimpered, my entire body beginning to shake as I sunk to me knees. He smiled down on me, and sighed.

            “You are strong Zayn,” He said, “Just breath and think.”

            And then Liam was gone, leaving me alone to my misery.

To This Day - Zarry Mini-fic (AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن