Team 7

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7 years later

"Oi jiisan tomorrow is the genin exams." Naruto said. "I already know this naruto." Said an annoyed Sarutobi. "Well I'm getting tired of acting like an idiot and wearing these ugly orange jumpsuits. Can I please change back?" Naruto asked him. "Fine Naruto. But remember, you can't show your true power. Only show it when you're in danger or when the time is right. Are we clear?" "Hai Hokage-sama." Naruto said in a deep voice.

Next day: Naruto POV

I woke up early and did my morning routine. Take a shower, brush my teeth, wash my face, brush my hair, make breakfast. After that I got dressed. But first I released the genjutsu I placed on myself. My hair grew longer (think of Minatos hair) I got taller now standing at 5'9. My body became a little bit more lean and defined. I put on my new clothes (his new clothes are Part 1 in the picture above. But think of it as all black instead of yellow and add a hood to it). I looked in the mirror and smiled at myself.

At the academy

I ran into the building and into the classroom. "Sorry I'm late Iruka sensei. I got a bit sidetracked." I apologized. Iruka stared at me for a bit before saying, "Um I'm sorry but I don't know who you are?" The whole class murmured in agreement. I could hear some whispers and smiled a bit. "Iruka sensei. Its me. Naruto." I told him. The whole class went quiet and Iruka dropped his clipboard.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him. "You look and sound different!" He exclaimed. "He's hotter than Sasuke-kun!" A girl shouted. Half of the girls nodded in agreement while the other half scowled at me. "That's bullcrap! No one is hotter than Sasuke-kun!" Hinata yelled out. (A/N yes hinata is ooc and is a Sasuke fangirl. If you want to see some NaruHina go read my other naruto book) "Yeah!" A bunch of other girls shouted.

"Class please settle down. Naruto go take your seat please so we can begin the test." Iruka ordered. I nodded and sat next to Ino who started blushing. 'Oh Naruto' Ino thought to herself. "Alright I'll be calling your names and when I do I want you to head into the other room where you will perform the Bunshin technique." He explained. "First up Sakura Haruno." He said as he walked into the room with Sakura following.

I sat back in my seat and started thinking to myself. "Um. Naruto?" Ino called. "Yes?" I asked. "Well.... I was wondering if you wanted to... I don't know... Go on a date with me?" She asked whilst blushing. "Sure why not. Since I'm busy this week I'll take you on Saturday. Is that ok with you?" I answered. She just nodded her head while her blush deepened. "You know Ino. You're pretty cute when you blush." I whispered in her ear.

She blushed even more and passed out. I chuckled and poked her side. "Ino. Ino. Ino! Ino wake up!" I shouted into her ear. She shot up and looked around. "W-What happened! What is it!" "Its your turn." I told her. "Oh" "Good luck Ino." I said. She blushed again and walked out to the room. (Some of you already figured it out. Ino and Hinata switched personalities. Cool right?).

*****20 minutes later*****

It was finally my turn. I walked into the room to see Mizuki and Iruka sitting behind a desk. Iruka nodded for me to go. I created 20 Kage Bunshins with out using a hand sign. "HOLY CRAP THOSE ARE SOLID!" Mizuki shouted. "HE DIDN'T EVEN USE HAND SIGNS!" I snickered at Mizukis reaction. "You pass." Iruka told me calmly. I walked up and grabbed a black forehead protector and tied it around my bicep. I casually walked out of the room and outside to see all the parents gathered around with their kids.

I shunshined to ojisan instead of walking to avoid the glares. I knocked on the door and heard a muffled 'come in'. I entered the room and walked to the desk. "Ojisan I passed." I told him. "So you did. Are you excited to meet your team tomorrow?" He asked me. "Not that much. But I am excited to see who my sensei will be." I answered. He smiled and said to go home and rest for tomorrow. I nodded and shunshined to my apartment.

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