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A/N: Actual chapters will be longer than this. :)

Humans can be truly deceptive.

It's disturbing how we think we know someone, their ins and outs, and they turn out to be entirely different than how you originally perceive them. We grew up with the rule, "don't judge a book by its' cover," and as much as we say we abide by these rules, we do not. We judge. That is part of human nature. However, is it all that bad that we judge? The thoughts that come into our head after that brief moment can more accurately describe how we truly feel about another human being. We get over our initial shock of meeting someone new, someone different.

For some people, these humans that we judge can become our best friends. We find that our lives have changed for the better once they come into our lives. Laughter is shared, and we find solace in the fact we have someone to talk to, as well as confide in. Friendships are sacred and pleasing, a true treasure when you find the correct ones. 

There are some friendships, however, that we do not find sacred. Friendships that turn sour. Our initial predictions about them are warnings that we ought to have heeded. 

Some humans can be terrible, awful people. They can be abusive (whether that be emotionally, physically, or psychologically). They can be manipulative. They can be cheaters. They can be vile, awful people. 

So, how do we know whether or not to trust our first instincts? We don't. You need to open up other people, so to speak, and really analyze their personalities. You will often find that, in some cases, some people will not be worth getting to know. They will let you down. They will turn your life upside down. They will change everything you thought you used to know.

They can suck the life out of you, literally or metaphorically. They can ruin everything in such a short period of time. This may sound like an exaggeration, an extremity, but it's a sad truth that this is the reality for most. 


"Wow, Niall," the professor breathed, peering up at the blonde. He held the paper in his hands, treating it ever so delicately. "This is amazing."

Niall's cheeks flushed pink as he shook his head. "Thank you, sir, but it's certainly not my strongest work. I can do better."

"Don't bother. This in itself is incredible. I wouldn't change a word of it," the professor replied, setting the paper on his desk to grade it. As if it needed any critiquing. He already had Niall's grade determined. "You truly never cease to amaze me."

"Oh...thank you," Niall blushed furiously, not used to the flattery. 

"If it's not too intrusive of me, would this work happen to relate to your own experiences, by any chance?" 

Niall bit his lip, and forced himself to keep his composure. He was certain that anyone could recognize his discomfort, surely. They had to realize that he would never pen such a piece that didn't have a meaning to him.

"Yes," he answered, cautiously enough. "Of course."

"By whom, may I ask?"

Niall could feel the tears pulsing behind his eyes, threatening to spill out. How embarrassing. He wasn't about to be the lad who cried in front of his professor. He had showed enough weakness in the past. He wouldn't. He refused.

He answered as bluntly as he thought appropriate.

"Nobody important."

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