The meeting !

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"When i saw you i fell in love,and you smiled because you knew"--William Shakespeare --

Sarah's pov:

It was a normal day under the sun , mum went to work and left me on the shore , telling me that she will be late having a party celebrating the cliant number one thousand , and that she will pick me up and to wait for her ...
Seeing the blue shiny water makes everything better , and the feeling of hot sand under me is so comfortable and feels like home everytime, i loved being there day and night . As i watched the sun drawning , heard a voice of far matching with mum's, she was in a car with two people i went to see and to say hello , as i reached for the car a lady came out and hugged me printing a kiss on my cheek ! "Wow ! so you are rym's daughter, you're so pretty ! Nice to meet you , Me and your mother were really good friends back high school !" She said with a big smile on her face
i smiled back and said " great to meet you salma, heard alot about you !" . She was one of my mother's close friends and she helped her through alot ! As mum was forced to marry dad by her own father .
" Get in the car honey ! " mum chuckled, as i entered i noticed the driver was salma's son from the backseat . " this is ryan salma's boy say hi !" Mum said .
I raised my eyes to the front mirror to catch him looking at me ! I thought it was rude and to delete the idea of talking to him , as i poored my eyes back i noticed that i do want to look at him , and to profit the most of those attractive brown-red eyes , i looked again to catch him staring ! With beautiful, stunning sleepy DARE eyes , which had me blushing and looked beside my window as we moved , i felt something i didn't before , i wanted to look at him all the road long ! What's wrong with me ! And i started checking his blonde hair and manly arms and then his perfect thick eyebrows, i was blown away by his beauty , and oops ! He caught me looking , he smiled to show his pearl-white teeth and his light beard, i looked the other way ! I was acting like a nerd or a 7 yo kid ! Our mums were talking while we were exchanging looks .
My palms were sweaty , i feel the warmth all over my skinny body , pain butterflies on my stomach, i was numb ,cant even move my knees, i felt my brain as it a factory ! Full of life and ideas , my heart was overwhelmed and i felt though so safe there in his backseat .

-- it was the first meeting of our souls in a touchable thing , like i can see who he really was through his eyes , i felt like it was forever , for the first time i didnt notice about the time or the direction or the people that were around , and i didnt believe in love from first sight before , but for sure it was for me ! -- INNER VOICE .

Back to the reality ,And i started waking up , i didnt want to get out of this freakin car , Im stuck !!!
" well salma talk later , got alot of things to do , and ryan thank you for the ride, lets go sweetie ! "
Mum and i went out and i can barely walk !
" i met her today at the restaurant by luck , she's here for the summer with her son and they're staying at her old parents home " she said as walking to the door .
" why she never came here ! And where she was at ?! "
"She just got a divorce lately ! Ain't that odd ! Her fourth husband ! Huh she's always been wild ! " mum with a sigh of memories . As we got in i went to my room thinking about what just happened, so confused and tingled by joy , i had a quick shower to join mum for dinner and waiting for dad .
" im gonna do this party for you ..."mum whispered.
" mum !!! Im not a kid anymore im 20 finally !" With a bit of yelling towards mum , " well 20 in my house ! And im gonna do it , you'd be making your own choices , besides i've already invited salma and a bunch of my friends so you gotta do ! " mum gave up on waiting dad and went to sleep , it's almost 10 ! " wait ... mum ! Urghh " she went up stars . Umm so salma's invited i bet ryan will be come , what the heck why do i care , i just saw him once only , i won't let that get in the way , i must not have a crush on him , i cant believe i thought i love him , i gotta stop this , i dont know anything about the guy but he's beautiful, this time im being superficial although i felt something else but attraction to his physics like electricity hitting me like im on top of the world like im the happiest girl alive !so sure about it but it must be stopped, its not right and i defenitly i adore being single and i dont mind that at all . Suddenly dad came after cleaning his appartement, he kissed my cheek saying hello , and went eating " happy Birthday baby girl " ," thanks dad " .
I gone bed . I waked to the sounds of birds, i swore to make sure id be seeing the sunset and i did ! Embracing the cold air to my face through the window , i took a shower , brushed my teeth and took breakfast, i sat on the coutch reading my book and wait for mum and dad to wake at 6 .
" good morning sugar !" , " hi mum " i smiled at her . What are your plans of today ! " umm ... nothing really , do my hair , relax and think of my party for tomorrow " , " Fun ! Have a bless " .
I did my hair and went to my friend fatma to invite her and her sister to be at my party tomorrow, so did invite bunch of my ex-colleagues and friends .

* * *

I woke again , at the next morning of my birthday and i went shopping as my grandma sent me some money , i bought a short black dress with red cute heels , gone home for shower and left for the salon to do my hair , i done it long straight , and done a braid on my right side . Well i didnt look sexy ! But sure as hell pretty , i return home and helped mum with the decoration, after finishing i done the food table with snacks and a huge vanilla strawberry cake , some drinks and stuff .
I went to my backyard to have a rock seat after dressing and applying a light smoky make-up, crossing my arms and trynna watch the sun's dancing and to think about the book i read of Gebran Khalil Gebran, i opened my eyes after i was distracted by a shadow blocking the sunset from reaching to my face .
" hi there !" , it was ryan salma's son with a confident smile on his face .
I raised quickly and pointed my hand to shake his , suddenly he pulled me towards his for a cosy hug , it was awkward i felt my breasts on his solid chest and arms around me , and he smelled great ! So fresh and new , i held his cotton white shirt to push him off me .
"Wtf are you doing weirdo ! " . " you have the courage to say that to your future husband !!!" He replied, and i was shocked a bit of his actions and nervous ! The same time , feeling hugged by a hot stranger, after a while staring to his eyes i said " Since when you became my husband i dont even know a thing about you but you're crazy " , " well sorry for surprising you but , what's life without surprises, and i thought you'd like to touch my arms as you were checking them last time !but you didnt ?! What a shame wanna do it again ? This time inside the house maybe !" He said smirking and gave me a wink, god i felt like it's not real , the city boy is dare enough to challenge me , but this time i felt like id love to hug him again and that a guy like him will never be serious about a girl like me !
" thank you !" , with a furious look and got home to find all the guests are here, i did salutations and sat next to the radio , listening to music , and a lana del rey's blue jeans was on as he entered the room with his blue jeans , he smiled at me and i looked away !

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