McKenna's POV

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I sat nervously on Lee's bed twiddling my thumbs.

'I'll be right back.' he says. That was over fifteen minutes ago.

How long does it take to get a quick drink? Was he ok?

I've seen first-hand how quickly things can spiral out of control.

Moments later Lee's bursts in the door scaring me half to death.

"Sorry. Warren." He shrugged.

Well that's vague as hell.

"Did you forget something?" I notice he's returned empty handed.

"Ahhh shit." He throws his hands up in the air and leaves again.

I shake my head laughing at him.

Lee Adams, what am I going to do with you?

He returns just a few moments later with a can of soda in his hand and one for me.

"So what are the big plans you speak of?"

Although he hadn't mentioned it today was our one year anniversary. I didn't want to be that girl and expect anything out of it but when he mentioned he'd made plans for this evening I hoped he'd remembered.

"What plans?" He looked at me teasingly.

"You know I do have a test I could be studying for." I teased in return.

"Shhh..." He hushed me. "Come on." He grabs my hand and practically drags me out of the room.

We head straight for the front office.

"Are we leaving campus?" I ask.

"Maybe." He pulls me to walk faster.

"Alone?" I scramble to keep up with him.


"Does Parker know?" I pull back stopping him.

"The school thinks Parker knows." He smiles with a genuinely mischievous Lee smile.

"Lee..." We've been in trouble for this before.

"It will be fine." He pulls on me to continue walking.

Even though Lee is now 18, until he graduates, Parker is still responsible for him.

I remained quiet as we got into the office.

"Hi Ms. Lewis." Lee greeted the woman behind the desk. "Did Parker call?"

I am confused. I thought Parker didn't know.

"You're all cleared. Have fun." She smiles handing Lee the sign out sheet.

Lee and I share a secret smile as he signs himself out. Since he's legally an adult he can but only if Parker agrees.

Lee once again grabs my hand and we take off into freedom.

"How did you arrange this?" I looked at him skeptically.

"Warren." He smiled cheekily. "He sounds a lot like Parker on the phone."

So that was what he and Warren were up to a little bit ago.

We walked out into the parking lot where Lee produced some keys from his pocket.

"Whose keys are those?"

Lee doesn't own a car yet.

"Parker's." He smiles twirling them around on his finger.

"Why do you have Parkers keys?"

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