Chapter 1

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I wake up at 3am. today is going to be the day I move,we are supposed to leave at 6pm. I woke up earlier to take apart my bed and finish packing my stuff. I got up and showered I wore blue jeans ripped at the knees, a flowing white tank, my checkered slip on vans, and the necklace my mom gave me for my birthday. And I put my hair in a messy bun. When I was done with all of that I got the tool box and started talking apart my bed. It really wasn't that hard. I even do some repairs on my mom'a car when she needs it. I guess you can say I'm a tomboy that likes to do her nails and likes going shopping and doing different things on my hair can't color it though.
I finished my taking my bed apart and putting it in a box and loading it into the moving truck now it's 5:30am so I go downstairs make me a sausage,egg, and cheese bagel. I make one for my mom too and she comes to the kitchen all happy

M-Hey sweetie, what smells so good?!

V-I'm just making your favorite breakfast food!

M-Aww, thank you

V-No prob I know you would want it!

M-You know me too well.

V-Yeah so where are Toby and Sophia at?

M-They are still sleeping but I think I hear Sophia crying. I'll go check on them.

V-No it's fine I got it, here's your food eat up!

M-Thank you,ness. (ness- nickname)
I go upstairs and check on Toby first he is still asleep. Good. Then I hear Sophia crying. shoot. I walk to her and pick her up. She is still crying so I bathed her put a fresh diaper on and fresh clothes. she started crying after again so I picked her up and hugged her and kissed her took her downstairs and feed her and burped her. She was fine after that so I put her in her in her crib and I ate my food. When I was done I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and a laugh. Toby! My four year old little brother. He is adorable!
V-what's up tob?!

T-Nothing but I really like the toys you got me yesterday! THEY ARE AWESOME!

V-Good! I got them so we can play while we are in the car!

T-Yeah! I'm hungry can I have food?

V-Sure what do ya want?

T-Whatcha got sista?

V-hahaha Oh my gosh Child! Do you want eggs?

T-Yeah I like when you make them all crazy?!

V- Haha Do you mean scrambled eggs?!

T-Yeah they are like all over the place! It's crazy!

V-Okay! Go tell mom that her boyfriend called. He said that he is coming.

T-Okay, chop chop with the food woman.

V-Watch yourself... CHILD!
For a four year old he sure is smart lol.
Okay so this is a sow start and I didn't have much time to write it so next chapter will be better and it will pick up. this is my second book so yeah. And my best friend Gabby is always featured I'm ma books! So yeah hope you enjoy!! This is like half and half somewhat a Hayes Grier fanfic. Check out my other book if you want to it is a Hayes Grier fanfic! So BYE!!!!

How is life...? (Hayes Grier Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora