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The day after the dinner was Sunday. I went to church with my father and stepmother, and we came home. Waiting for us was him. 

He came up to me, opened my car door, and helped me out. My dad asked who he was and he replied, "Your daughter's boyfriend, sir."

He made a good impression on my dad.

He came in, ate lunch with us, and then asked if I could play a little bit of piano. I sat down at the piano and started to play my most beautiful song. Soon my stepmother called me into the kitchen to help her with something. My dad wanted to talk to him. My ad wanted to make sure he was a good influence on me.

He was. 

My dad let him go peacefully, and he asked if I wanted to go to a party on Friday night. I said I would ask and would let him know tomorrow. We said our goodbyes, and he left.

Later that night, he texted me and told me goodnight. That he was happy with me and that he hopes to be with me for a long time. 

I replied back with a "me too", turned off my lamp and went to sleep.

I dreamed about him, and about our wedding.

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