Chapter 1

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"Kay...Kay? KAYLA?!" "Huh? Wait, what?" I say, startled. I guess my mind started wandering off again. "What do you think about that has you so distracted?" My friend asks me as she spots Chres. "Or rather, who?" I look at her, trying to come up with an explanation. "I was not looking at him. I was...," I say, looking around until my eyes spot any vulnerable item, "reading that flyer on the pin-up board about auditions for the play." "Mhm. Yeah, okay," Aubrey following me to the board.

Aubrey Turner has been my bestfriend for a while now. I moved here to Los Angeles, California about 3 years ago in my 7th grade year and she was the first person I met. She showed me around the school, and even though she would laugh at my Texas accent, we came to know each other very well.


"Yes ma'am. I'll show her around and make sure she knows everything and everybody she needs to know," she smiled while walking out of the office. After the door closed, the turned to me and said, "Okay. While I'm showing you your classes and everything, I'm gonna give you some advice. Because I don't wanna see you get chewed up and spit out and end up on the bottom of somebody's shoe like gum." I looked at her and thought, 'wow, she sure changed personas real quick.' "You taking notes?" She asked me. I guess I kind of zoned out her talking. I nodded and she continued.

"Like I was saying, you get five minutes to make it to your class. Make those minutes count because they go by fast. You need to go to the bathroom? In and out real fast because the teachers here aren't lenient on tardies. Most people will crowd the hallways by making out or just plain standing there and talking because they don't care about tardies. But trust me, they add up fast so just zoom past them.

"Your first period class is the same as mine and it's coming up soon so let me give you some tips. Don't be Ms. Know-It-All, or Ms. IDGAF, or the class clown. We have too many of those already. Just stay in your own educational lane. If you get asked a question, answer it and dismiss it. End of story. If asked to elaborate, then do so. But don't make that shit too deep. Don't get caught up in the trouble makers. Now I'll meet back up with you after class for more advice." She said, walking into the class. I took a deep breath and walked in.

*After Class*

"Hey Kay. Mind if I call you that?" I shook my head. "Everyone calls me that." "Okay good. If you want you can call me Bre." I nodded and she continued her advice.

"Your next class is Dance. So now for sports advice. First, the games. If you're not into football or basketball or anything of the sort, don't show up to the games and act like you are. If you're doing it to impress, you're gonna end up depressed. Because it won't make people like you, it'll make people think you're fake. If you are into sports like that, then go ahead and do you. Just don't go overboard because people will be looking at you weird. And you don't want that kind of attention.

"I have Volleyball next period so I'll see you later. I'll leave class early to come meet with you," she said, starting to walk. Suddenly, she turns around, "Hey, and don't be afraid of changing or showering in front of the other girls, you'll get picked on." Finally she walks into her dance class. I turn and walk into the locker room.

*After 2nd Period*

"Kay!" Bre says, trying to get my attention. And guess what I was doing...that's right. Looking at Chres. "That's Chresanto. But everyone calls him Chres. He's the most popular guy in our grade. He dates the hottest girls and hangs out with the hottest boys. He's also our varsity team quarterback. And now that I see you staring at him...again....," she pauses, and I realize I'm staring at him again and turn my attention to her, "it's time for advice on crushes." "This sure is a lot of advice you're giving me," I say while we begin to walk. "And there's plenty more," she lets the words glide out of her mouth like she's about to tell a long bedtime story.

"If you have a crush on someone, especially someone as popular as Chres, keep it lowkey. Don't let everyone know who you like because word gets around fast. Then rumors start spreading. Another thing to keep lowkey, who you talk to. It's called talking for a reason. You're trying to figure out if you like each other. And that, my friend, is nobody else's business but yours."

We approached the cafeteria and I almost said the words in unison with her when I heard her say, "Cafe rules." I sighed, "Let me guess. Don't sit with the popular people unless you're popular and don't sit alone." "Well that's part of it. But hey, you're catching on.

"The lines get extra long. So I suggest literally sprinting from Volleyball to the cafeteria to get in line fast because once the good food is gone, they start serving the backup meals. Backup meals are never good.

"Also, if you're in the middle or the back of the line, try to find someone you know towards the front, start talking to them, then casually slide in with them. Nobody will even notice."

I look around and I see Chres, sitting at the "popular table," I guess. Somehow, out of all the people in the cafeteria, he sees me and smiles. I blush and smile back and start walking to what I think is towards Aubrey. But I was sadly mistaken when I collide with a wall. I gather myself together and look back at him to see him calling some girl over and pulling her onto his lap. Okay so maybe he wasn't smiling at me.

I sat with Aubrey and some of her friends and it was pretty fun for my first day. I think I was cool with them. But after we ate, we went outside.

"This is where the fun happens," Aubrey said, as we walked towards a table. I guess we got there right on time because a dance-off was just starting.

It was this guy Alex vs this other guy Trey. Alex was a street dancer and Trey was actually in a hip hop dance studio class. You can imagine who won. Well, if you can't, it was Alex. He was just getting all hype when Chres stepped up.

"Don't get too happy, now. You about to take a L, real quick," he said. I looked at Aubrey. "Oh yeah, he's also one of the best dancers in the school, too."

Alex started dancing but I guess he felt that Chresanto wasn't a threat, because he wasn't dancing his best. When he finished he looked at him like he just fucked his girl or something. Chres smirked and took his jacket off, exposing his muscular arms. I almost fainted at the sight. Damn, he's so sexy.

Chres began and it started out all calm and Alex kept talking smack about how he was going to win. But then suddenly, Chres started going harder and harder. He was pulling out moves Alex, or anyone for that matter, had never seen before.

Alex started putting his head down and when Chres finished, he simply put his jacket back on and walked back into school about 3 seconds before the bell rang. Everyone was hooping and hollering.

From that moment on, I was fascinated with Chresanto.

Aubrey walked inside with me and the rest of her, and maybe our, friends when they all stopped in their tracks. "And that, my friend, is our fine, tall, sexy ass principal, Mr. Stacks.

I looked up and saw one of the finest men I've ever seen. He was in his late twenties, light skin, and had dark brown hair. He had hazel eyes and he was wearing a green polo with some slacks and dress shoes. "Wow," was all I could say.

He approached us and said, "You must be our newest addition to Westball High, Ms. Kayla Jones. I'm your principal, Mr. Stacks." He shook my hand as he continued, "I hope our fellow students have made your first day here as wonderful as can be. I hope to be seeing good things in your future, Ms. Jones." He winked and walked away. He all watched him walk away and simultaneously said, "Damn."

"Well now you know mostly everything you need to know. Oh, look. We have next class together." We said bye to her friends and walked in class. We sat together in the middle of the array of seats. "If you need any more help or advice, I'm your gal!" She said, laughing as she mocks my accent.

And from that moment on, we've been best friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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