first period

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I walked into the class room wasn't nobody there but like two people so I took the seat in the back of the class room and put my head down

"Hey fina" I looked it was a girl name Ashely my old friend until she cursed my momma out"Well you ain't gonna say hey back fina"she asked but I just put my head back on my desk" ugly ass hoe"she said cause it was a crowd and she knows I don't like attention I just laughed with my head still down cause she was the definition of an attention hoe

"FINA I DONT KNOW WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU ARE BUT HOE IM NOT SCARED OF YOU"Ashely extra ass yelled I looked up and  just laughed like wtf she talking about?

"ok" I said in like who cares voice and laid my head back down my phone started vibrating it was a text for b
Son-bitch x  in my first period


Son-bitch you know you care stop playing the kid imma give him your number

"BITCH I WILL BEAT YO ASS FINA" ashley said damn she getting on my nerves now

"Nah that's cute but I don't like you in a fight with me"still looking at my phone

"BITCH I WILL REALLY BEAT YOUR ASS SCARY ASS BITCH"she said cause the class was laughing

"Man Ashely you wild" I said laughing

"Scary bitch" she said coming up to my desk I stood up

"Fina I don't got time for you" she said and turned back around

"Nah you got my attention like you wanted wassupp ashely"I said man I'll beat her ass

"MISS WILLIAMS GET OUT MY CLASS ROOM NOW" the teacher yelled but I seat back done put my head down cause I really wanna beat her ass but I promised myself no fighting

"MISS WILLIAMS GET OUT KNOW BEFORE I CALL ADMINISTRATION" he yelled loud asf in my ear standing over me

"Mr can you please stop yelling in my ear my head hurting" I said not even lifting my head up


"Mennnnn mister mister you didn't have to curse at me but i dont know why you yelling at me I didn't do nothing  but where u was when she was talking all that shit oh she sucking yo dick so you was blind to the fact that she the only one talking but I can tell we ain't gonna get along so you can switch me out yo class" I said getting more mad like I'm too nice for people to act like this towards me

"Miss Williams watch your mouth" he said

"You don't have respect when talking to me cause u rude as fuck mister yo parents should of taught you better"the whole class started laughing and you can see his face turning red

"and obviously your mom and dad did not teach you to respect your elders  now get out"man I want  to punch the fuck out this man I stood up in his face

"No my MOM taught me to repect those that respect me" I said looking him right in the eyes cause I swear he was gonna get punched

"miss williams go to the office now" i walked out because they blew my high

"Bye FINA " Ashely said I turned around and saw her smiling and waving

"Why you smiling?"I asked her

"cause I can"she said with a lil fake ass smile

"Hey" I said to this boy walking up to his desk

"What's up" he said I could hear the teacher buzz the office

"Can I use that" I said pointing at his textbook he shrugged his shoulders and I took it and threw it at Ashely head and knock that smile off her face and walked out

I didnt feel like going to the office so I was just walking around school

"Ah" I heard somebody yell
I turned around it was X

"B"I yelled back but kept walking

"ha ha u got jokes"he said jogging up to me

"Nah I thought we was saying the alphabets" I said and he started laughing

"wats  up"he ask licking his lip

"Nothing ready to leave" he licked his lips again "can you stop that's distracting "I said

"stop wat" he said with a confused face

"Licking yo lips that's distracting" he started laughing

"Nah it just making you wet you already wanna hop on this train" I just laughed cause it was true

"Boy no"I said walking away

"girl yes"he said in a girl voice and flicked his hair and I couldn't do nothing but laugh "can I get your number bae"he asked

"no if I see you again outside of school you can and my name fina not bae" i said

"Oh you wanna play hard to get bae" he ask

"Nah it just ain't easy to get me" I said flipping my pretend weave he started laughing


"fuck see you got me caught" I said walking to Mr.john

"Bye bae I can't get no hug?"x asked I turn around gave him a hug " see I knew u wanted me"he said popping his pretend collar and I walked off laughing

"hurry the process miss Williams"Mr.Jonh yelled I walked  into Mr.jonh office

"Fina yo bad ass have Saturday work detail for three weeks for disruption of the work place"he said

"Why you can't just suspend me cause it be too hot for that" I asked dead ass

"Because we know that's what you want fina"

"Because we know that's what you want fina" I said mocking him "y'all gonna get me out of his class cause I don't like his ugly ass"I asked

"yo ass always mocking some body get yo ass out my office before we fight and here's your new schedule"I started laughing and he handed me the paper

"bye Marquess I mean Mr.john bald head ass"he started laughing

"Fina get yo ass out my office" he said still laughing

I walked to my new first period as soon ass I walked in I didn't even look around to see who was in there I just found a seat in the back  like I always do and put my head down

"Wats up bae" I heard somebody say and yes it was x I lifted my head up

"Hey " I said then I remember b saying she had him first period and I saw her talking to some girl

"I'll be back" I said to x and walked over there

"B come on" I said grabbing her stuff

"Bitch where we going" she ask

"Miss Williams please take your seat" the teacher said

"Yes ma'am I said but stayed there"

"Over there" I pointed to the empty seat by where me and x was

"I can't just leave my friend" she said still not getting up I looked at her friend and shrugged my shoulders

"Please tell me you had a point" I said

"I'll be back jasmine" she said to the girl

"Jasmine she lying to you" and we walked back to our seat

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