Daily Emotions

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Awhile ago Becca asked me if I'm sure I'm Bi and I said that I was pretty certain but, then I started to question it. When I met Hazel I completely stopped questioning it. That next week I told Becca but, first I let her guess then I told her who it was, she seemed happy (I guess). The day after I told Becca I told Remi, she was really happy. Remi said "oooo going for the older ones there Ava," because I did tell her the problem, she made me laugh when she said this.  Remi aid it's kind of like window shopping, you can look but, you can't touch. I had told Becca and Remi that I didn't want to tell anyone who does ballet with me; especially Jane,  Harriet and Tara because they go to the same school as me. 

Within the next day or so I did tell Jane and she said almost exactly what Remi said but, without the last bit. Jane did tease me a little bit but, I didn't mind I did tell her though that she can't tell anyone else and she can't tease me in ballet otherwise it will be a bit obvious. Because I told her this on the way to school our friend Mae I didn't mind telling her too because mae and I are basically sisters. We're not just saying that like some people do when they're really good friends, it's because she's almost 14 years old and I'm almsot 15 years old, we've known each other for almost 14 years and been amazing friends for that long. That's why we say that we are basically sisters, we act like sisters and love each other like sisters. 

Mae and I have agreed that we both want to live in London when we go to University and we want to stay together in a flat, a bit like her fave youtubers (my second fave, sorry Mae Tyler Oakley is still my favorite). She loves Dan and Phil, I do too but I think I like Tyler Oakley a bit more sorry. We can't wait until we can do this and most weekends that we spend together we talk about this and we start laughing so much, partly because we're think oh my goodness this is going to go so well isn't it *she says sarcastically*. 

Anyway when I told them we we're about to go and get Clara but, even though she doesn't go to ballet with us I said they can't tell her because the last time I told her I who I had a crush on first she told, the wrong guy and two she old someone who I told her not to in the first place. I don't really trust Clara anymore.

By the end of the week Remi, Becca, Jane, Mae, Sofie and Tara know that I have a crush on Hazel. When I had a riding lesson after school on Friday Harriet, Becca and Jane went to town and because Harriet didn't know about me liking Hazel she didn't think there was anything wrong with this. However Because Becca and Jane did, when they saw Hazel kiss (what they assume was her Boyfriend) they started to think oh what are they going to do, they agreed Jane would tell me but, she didn't tell me until the day after our next Ballet lesson. 

When Jane finally told me about the whole Hazel situation, I wasn't very happy that she took the whole weekend and Monday to tell me, Eventually I did forgive her and we were fine and on they Tuesday I did finally tell Harriet what was going on. Basically by the end of the week most of my group of friends knew. I really do like Hazel there was one day that week where I went to sleep thinking about her and as soon as I woke up I was thinking of her again and I've never had that before, I don't know what that means but, I am going to try and find out what it means. 

That Blue Haired Girl (Bisexual story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora