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"Cassidy, dear, wake up! You don't want to be late for your first day at a new school do you?"

Cassidy rolled over and let out a grunt, "Do I really have to go dad?"

"I thought you'd be excited to start a new school?"

"Well I guess I'm just a little nervous", Cassidy responded.

"No need to worry baby, they'll love you."

Cassidy smiled thinking that was far from the truth, the kids at Cassidy's old school made her life a living hell, she just hoped to stay under the radar at the new high school.

Cassie decided to wear a long brown chiffon skirt that covered her ankles and a brown short sleeved turtle neck.

"Oh, Cassidy dear you look beautiful", her mother said as soon as she walked down the stairs.

Cassidy smiled, she knew her mom loved when she wore clothes like this.

"Come sit and eat your breakfast", Cassidy's mom smiled.

Cassidy sat at the small brown table overflowing with food.

"Let's say our prayers now", Cassidy's dad held out his hands and shut his eyes and the rest of the family followed. "Dear, God thank you for this delicious food that you've blessed us with and please let Cassidy have an amazing first day at a new school and please give me the wisdom and knowledge to lead the at a new christian church, amen"

"Amen", Cassidy and her mom repeated.

The family ate their breakfast swiftly and silently.

"Well it's about time for us to be headed out now we don't want to be late for our first day, now do we Cassidy?"

"No sir", Cassidy responded while throwing her backpack over her shoulder.

Cassidy's dad turned on the radio and blasted his cheerful gospel songs and began to sing along. When Cassidy opened the door to leave a few of the kids heard the loud gospel music and all stared at her as she exited the car.

Cassidy kissed her dad on the cheeks before leaving, as soon as Cassidy step foot on school grounds she felt that everyone was looking at her and talking about her.

The school looked completely different from Cassidy's old school all the kids were outside, at her old school they never got to hang outside. Her new school was also much bigger, but one thing that stayed the same was the cliques everyone seemed to belong except for Cassidy, she looked like a lost puppy. Cassidy observed everyone and she realized that she stood out like a soar thumb with her long brown floure skirt, she knew she was too dressed up. Cassidy found a small bench underneath a tree and sat there observing her new schedule.

Cassidy knew for sure that she was going to get lost in the search for her classes.

As Cassidy observed and studied the map she realized that something obstructed her light she looked up to find three girl standing before her. Their perfume filled Cassidy's nose with sweet scents of flowers and vanilla.

"Hi I'm Daniella", the girl in the middle spoke reaching out her hand, "But I go by Dani and they are", Dani turned and pointed to the two girls behind her and opened her mouth to say "Emily and Charlotte."

Cassidy's heart began to pound and she reached out her hands and shook Dani's hand, "Ughhh, Hi I'm um Cassidy."

"Cassidy,huh, how about Cassie? You look more like a Cassie. Can I call you Cassie?", Dani asked.

Cassidy became confused only her uncle called her that, but ever since her uncle came out as being gay Cassie's dad cut all contacts with him.

"Uh, sure", Cassie smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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