Chapter 29: Law's secret! You'll Never Know!

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A single groan escaped your lips as your body felt weighed down by tons of steel, the clambering of a headache pulsing in your head as you began to awake. You weren't sure how much you had to drink, but it was the first time you were able to sleep so hard, yet you weren't sure it was a good trade off considering how you currently felt. You couldn't quite open your eyes yet due to how intense your headache was, but even without seeing where you were, it certainly wasn't your room.

Your brows creased as your fingers glided over the soft blanket, it being much thicker than yours which sent alarm bells, even the mattress felt more higher quality. The scent of cologne and sterile cleaner filled your nose as your eyes cracked open, this definitely wasn't Ikkaku's usual smell. You could feel your stomach aching as you pushed yourself to sit up, panic causing your heart to race as your eyes darted around the unfamiliar room.

A single, large porthole was placed above the bed you currently were sleeping in, the sun shining brightly through it which naturally lit the room up. You must have been sleeping for a while for the sun to be positioned so highly. The bed was against the middle back wall with two identical nightstands on both sides, off to the right was a smaller office desk with a stack of papers sat on it. You were surprised to even see there was a bathroom connected with the room, a twinge of jealousy that this person had that luxury.

Your eyes looked down at the black covers on the bed and then back to the grey pillows you were once sleeping on. You winced as you brought your hand up and rubbed the side of your head, your headache was only increasing in intensity the more you moved and strained to look around.

"Finally awake? Took you long enough," a deep voice announced, startling you as you immediately looked over to the bedroom door as Law closed it behind him. You could feel your stomach twist more as you realized whose room you were occupying, your eyes watering from embarrassment as he sat a glass of water down on the chestnut colored nightstand beside you.

"I was beginning to think you'd never wake up," Law continued as he sat down two white pills before sitting down on the edge of his bed with a sigh. "Take those and you should start to feel better," he instructed you as he threw his hat behind him while running a hand through his hair, "you're lucky I'm even treating you, the others aren't so lucky."

You quietly did as you were told while nervously picking up the glass and taking a sip, a fragment of a memory coming to as you did so. You could barely remember it, but you could recall Penguin challenging you to see who could finish a cup full of beer first. You cringed as you swallowed the pills, "how did I end up here?" You were afraid to ask, but judging from how blacked out you were last night, you needed some insight.

Law scoffed, "where do I even begin?" You watched him scratch at his goatee in thought, "when I told those two idiots they could take the rest of the day off, I didn't mean for them to screw around and get half the crew drunk," he said while shaking his head. "By the time I arrived from my office, pretty much all of you were drunk," he said with a 'tch' at the end.

"Penguin told me beforehand that you gave him permission," you frowned while finishing the rest of the water and placing it down.

Law clicked his tongue in response, "Penguin lied," he deadpanned which caused you to avert your gaze sheepishly. "How much do you remember anyways?" Law asked while crossing one leg over the other as he sat back on his hands.

You closed your eyes in thought, "I remember sitting down with Bepo and Penguin challenging me to a few games. I think I lost most of them," you exhaled in annoyance. "I don't really remember anything past that," you then reopened your eyes and looked over at Law in curiosity.

There was a devilish smirk on his lips, "so you don't remember what you said?" His eyes squinted ever so slightly in amusement at your dumbfounded stare, "not even-" he cut himself off as his smirk turned more coy, "no I think I'll save you the trauma and not tell you that bit."

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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