Step No. 7

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Step No. 7: Mentioning Characters

Mentioning characters is iffy. If it's a girl character then she might rant about how she wants to be like her or how perfect she is. But if it's a guy character...well, there are a few different ways she could respond.

The first way: she could rant about how hot or perfect the character is. Warning! She could do this for hours.

The second way: she could rant about how stupid the character is. This may not last as long but it still could go on for a while.

The third way is a combination of the others. WARNING! This could last a lifetime so be careful. She could also bring up the character's sexuality *cough cough* Nico *cough* and that just adds to the amount of time it will take her to stop fangirling.

I would recommend not to even mention a guy character, it just leads to fangirling. And if you want to get to know her, you don't want her to start fangirling, you will get nowhere.

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