Part 1

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What should have been snow​,​ was really ash and dust from debris floating in the soft wind. It was bizarre to think that just this morning was a warm and sunny day. It now felt as if it was below twenty degrees. Buildings were now just pathetic piles of rubble and people were nowhere in sight. The only sound was the whistling wind and the soft patter of tiny footsteps along the ruined cobble roads.

~ ~ ~

Earlier that day, that terribly fated day that was just like five years ago, humanity's greatest enemy attacked yet again. Barging into the wall as if it was made of paper, beast entered the cities, raging about and causing the defenseless human to run and hide in the next wall. Many a soldier came to help; yet so many had died from the attempt to say every life. They thought that everyone had made it safe to the next wall but they were wrong. You knew how wrong they were.

Your mother, father and older siblings... all gone. What was a child to do? When the wall was breached, rock had flown freely in the warm air and crashed on the ground. The impact had shaken your small family home immensely and you all needed to reach better grounds. As the small family wandered out side, they met with the sad fate that has played with humanity for over a century. One of the beasts noticed the form of your family and advanced towards you. You all ran, but to no avail. The beast had successfully grabbed both your parents and brought them to their deaths many years to early. Your older siblings, crushed by their feet and killed, their blood staining your body as you escaped. Building collapsed, people ran and screamed for their lives, and soldiers flew in the steammy and cloudy breeze slaying beasts if they were able.

~ ~ ~ A while later ~ ~ ~

Walking around, you try to find a safe haven or even the gate to the next wall but you were too far off. Then, you heard the loud rumbling of chains as the gate began to close and everyone was on the other side of gate. You missed your chance to escape.

You stopped and listened. Tears falling as you knew your fate would come very soon since many Titans remained in the wall. Everyone was gone; that's it. You're alone, so you decided then just to begin walking. Hoping to find something...or even someone.

~ ~ ~

"MAMA! PAPA!" You sobbed, lip trembling. You took tiny steps through the Main Street of town that used to be such a beautiful place.

You've lost all found strength. You were always a frail child. A small cloud of dust lifted up from the street as you fell down in a pile of distress. Your dress was tattered, you only wore one shoe, your hair full of dust and skin cut up and dirty. You droped your ruined shoe you held just before, the strap beginning to rip off, becoming useless when walking.

"...mama, papa..." You whispered, a cloud of ash floats and you inhale it, chocking you for a moment.

Tears were not able to fall now, your eyes were too dry from the dust and your exhausted figure could not even yet comprehend what was going on. You longed to see their faces. Your family was sadly gone, in heaven, and you were in the enemy's newfound territory.

VSuddenly, the ground began to shake. Your head peeked up from being covered by your small arms and you looked around. The now familiar ash and debris was still in the air the sky seemed to be a mixture of blood red and an unsightly grey. Food carts and other seller's wagons littered the streets of the town and the building were still crumbling slightly and collapsing. However, one taller building was holding up behind you.

...Not for long though...

The ground was shaking as if it was terrified of what to come and the air suddenly became a lot hotter. The slams of footsteps rocked the streets and you knew what was to be expected. You stood up and looked towards the only standing building; it was rather tall and pretty only until a giant arm had smashed into it.

Air blew around as rock larger than most adults smashed onto the deserted paths and remains. From the now destroyed building, appeared one of the beasts or Titans, rather. The large monster roared and began to move towards your tiny being. You gave out the strongest scream your tiny voice could muster, grabbed your shoe and began to run in the opposite direction. Your throat was now burning and you clutched your shoe to your chest and ran into a small alley in the side of the street. The beast ran after you as you yelled for help, even though it was pointless. You sat quietly behind a cart from one of the street venders, trying to hide your shaking body as best as you could.

Peeking to the side, you noticed the beast was now eye level with the ground and you, its neck in a disturbing angle and body bended in weird positions. Its hot and degusting breath made its way through the tiny alley as you covered your mouth and nose, slowly running out of air. The Titan then reached a large hand in the alley, searching for you and scrapping the dirt and rocks, getting it under its large fingernails. You sat there thinking it was the end, until you heard the loud whirring of cables.

It can't be... you thought as your large eyes widened and irises shrunking in shock.

Suddenly the Titan jerked back to the street as a green cloaked figure began to attack it. You heard the clashing of swords and the loud roar of the Titian, you were terrified of what was happening and could not stand it once you heard the crunch of bones. (From the Titan) You covered you small ears with your shaking hands, closed your eyes and screamed as loud as you could to block out the sound and folded yourself into a fetal position.

Finally, when what seemed like hours were only a few minutes, everything halted to a quiet stop. You slowly lifted you head and lowered you arms. A bewildered look adorned your face as you uneasily stood up with shaky knees. No longer was the ash falling, or the rumbling of buildings being heard or the vibration of the ground. It was finally quiet after so long.

Your small frame began to walk to the edge of the alley only to be met with the blinding sun in such a beautiful sunset. There lay the Titan, now steaming as the corpse began to disintegrate. You shielded your vision from the harmful sun and took in the damage.

During the quick battle, blood stained the buildings walls and no soldiers littered the ground. A heavy weight was lifted as there were no deaths of soldiers. Looking back to the steam, you noticed standing by it was someone. You could make out from the outline that is was male, not very tall but other details were hard to make out since the sun light made it seem as if it was just a solid black form standing there.

The fifteen meter Titan was slated by this one man only.

The male then began to face you and you clutched your shoe, acting as if it was your security. Once the man looked at you, you were able to catch in his appearance.

He had dark ebony hair parted, and sharp steel colored eyes. He wore a military uniform on it with wings that were blue and white. His face was completely blank but his eyes held so much more emotion.

You were in complete awe. He stood on the beast; the combination of sparks, steam and the sunset behind him made him look unreal. You began to cry as hard as ever yet not make a sound. If you could describe him in one word it would be angel.

You parted your lips smiling and delicately whispered something before collapsing into darkness.

"...My savior..."

Levi X Child! Reader: My SaviorWhere stories live. Discover now