Chapter 17

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Kyle's POV

I was in the waiting room at the hospital. Stan is in some random room without me after he has been beaten by his family. Well, mostly his father. But his family didn't do anything.

I am ashamed in the Marsh's. I truly am. His son has finally told them who he really is and they turn on him like this. I'm even surprised in Shelley.

Yes, she hates her brother with a passion, but still. Why is this happening to Stan. What did he ever do? Yes, he as been a major dick at some points in his life, but he is still a great guy.

He cares. He's kind. He matters. Stanly Marsh matters, he seriously does. Even if he doesn't matter too half the world. He would matter. Even if nobody knew him, including myself, he would still matter.

Everyone has a fucking purpose and no one should sit on their lazy ass and moan and groan about how they don't matter. Because they do. That random old lady sitting with her husband. She matters. That biker chick with the blue and green hair and all the piercing at the counter. She matters. That scrawny kid that looks all beaten and bruised standing by that old couple. He. Fucking. Matters.

Like everyone does. And you know who taught me this? Who taught me long ago how everyone matters. Stan. He did.

We were all making fun of this one kid at the park in fifth grade. Then someone said, "Why even bother with that kid? He doesn't even matter." And let's just say, Stan did not agree with that opinion.

How Stan always cares for others somehow, I don't even know. Oh my god, he is perfection. I can sit here for the rest of my life and rant about him.

How could a person be so, like, amazingly perfect. He just makes my heart melt, I know I sound cheesy, but frankly I don't give shit.

Now I have to wait. I have to wait and be strong for Stan. Be happy for him. It will be damn hard but I can do it. No, no I can't. I can't really be happy knowing about Stan being in this situation. But I can try, that's it. I will try for Stan.

But I'm still wait, fuck, that didn't change. I can think about the happiness he brought to the world as I do so.

Oh god Stan, this will stop, I promise.

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