Chapter Five: "Because I'm Sadistic"

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She pursed her lips together, savouring the flavour and aroma of triple meat soup. Cracking her knuckles, she debated what to do next now that she was full and a ninja.




Well, she could always practice her jutu and weapon skills...

On Sasuke and Naruto....

Oh wait... They were at the local bath house...

The last thing that Amber wanted to see were their junks, but she was in a sadistic type mood since she hadn't gotten to kill Kakashi...


"TO THE BATH HOUSE," she leapt out the window that was conveniently next to her.

When she had gotten within a metre and a half, a certain boy with lavendar eyes and brown hair spotted her through the window. Before the traitorious rat, formerly known as Neji, could turn on her, Amber quickly entered his mind and took control of his body. He fought quite a bit, but the lanky girl overpowered him and had his naked body walk over to where Sasuke and Naruto sat. The poor Uzumaki boy was too busy glaring at the Uchiha to notice the mind puppet waddling towards them. From her safe location, the Uchiha girl giggled.

Neji grabbed Naruto's chin and pushed him onto Sasuke's bare lap, causing both preteen boys to attempt to kill the said mind puppet.

"YOU'LL NEVA CATCH ME, YOU SLOW MUTHAFUCKAS!" Neji cackled, racing around the room.

"Naruto, hold on a second. Neji doesn't talk like that.... Nor does he bluntly attack us," Sasuke sighed.

Shit. She was making his mission more difficult.

"Amber, why are you holding Neji's body hostage?" Sasuke frowned.

"Because I'm sadistic," she fluttered Neji's eyes.

"EWEWEWEW!" Naruto hid behind Sasuke.

"Get out of there," Sasuke demanded.

"Or what? You'll kick Neji's arse?" she chuckled.

"Or, I'll kiss you."

"INO, GET OUT OF SASUKE'S BODY!!! You're spoiling my fun," she had Neji pout.

Just as Sasuke grabbed the hostage's shoulders, he got hit with a firece punch to the chest. After sprawling out on the floor, he looked up to see an angry Neji.

"Kiss your crush when she isn't inside me, baka ka!"


{Author's Note: I DO NOT SHIP NARUSAKU/SAKUNARU AT ALL!!!! They're both heterosexual characters, okay?! Any NaruSasku/SakuNaru comments will be aptly deleted when I see them, got that?! AND NO, I DO NOT SHIP NEJI WITH SASUKE EITHER!!! I ship Neji with TenTen... I also ship Sakura with Rock Lee. Naruto and Hinata are soulmates, in my opinion. Anyone who disses my opinions will be blocked because I'm not putting up with your immaturity. Any mean comments will be deleted.}

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