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"Look, I know my mom was a well known (Shinigami) but it does not mean I have those powers". "My dear, please let me check. If you do you have the powers I can hide your powers in my (death scythe)." "Why in yours?". "It's the only one I have. I can later on get you another (scythe) but that will do for now. If your powers keep getting stronger you will have to became a full Shinigami. Your blue eyes will turn green. Your skin will be pale. Your hair will be longer than mine probably." "So you're saying I'll look like you?" "Yes my dear. You'll look just like me" UT said with a huge smile on his face. "Fine but you only have 3 days so get working" you said giving your hand to him. "This might hurt a bit but it will go away" he said grabbing a (knife). He pressed the (knife) on your skin, blood came out quickly. He grabbed a cup and poured some of it in. "That shall do" he said. Your hand healed! "What?!" You scream. "Hehe. Looks like the power is getting stronger." He said. He pulled out his (death scythe). He poured the blood on the blade. A small red light shined on it. "Here you go now. In case your in trouble, the (death scythe) will appear and you use it to protect yourself" he said petting it. He turned around and a black light started to shine. It was so strong it blinded you. You felt something going around your neck. "Now my dear, this necklace holds the (death scythe) so like I said if your in trouble it will appear." He said giving you a hug. He was hugging you to tight. "Ok you can let... Go" you were almost out of air. "I'm sorry it's just... You look like your mother. You remind me of her. Now my dear, you have 3 days with me so I shall show you how to control your powers." He grabbed your hand and pulled you to the back of the shop. "Ok first test. Close you eyes and think of Grell." 'Grell, really' you thought. You closed your eyes and thought of Grell. "Who is calling me at this time! I was taking pictures of my Bassy until someone called" you heard a voice say, but not any voice... Grell's. "Hehe, Grell. My sweet y/n over here called you." UT said while Grell put his hands on his hips. "Oh.. She's different? She does not look like a Shinigami though. How did she call me?! She doesn't have the green eyes, or glasses, or pale skin!" He said staring at you. "Well she's my sisters daughter. She's half Shinigami." He said. "So she's the girl William was checking out. He said he saw this 'Hot Chick' that was a Shinigami." He said putting his death scythe on a coffin. "Hahahah. William said that! My my, she's only 13 and has fans already. Hahaha" UT said falling off his chair. "Yeah he knows but he can't help it... If you know what I mean" Grell said with a smirk on his face. "My my Grell. If he keeps on doing that tell me I'll go beat the crap out him. He should not be checking 13 year olds out. Specially my dear y/n" UT said giving you a hug. "Well this is awkward. Anyways Grell go back to the Phantomhive mansion and make sure to..." You got close to his ear, "take pictures of Ciel too". He started to smile like a idiot. "Yes I'll sure will" and with that he left. "Y/n you know I'm a Shinigami. I heard that." He said, "If you fancy the young lord why not just tell me. I can teach you how to spy on him." "Can you now?" You asked. "Here I'll show you. Close your eyes and think of him". You did as you were told. "Now- hehe- o-open- hehe- them" he said while giggling. You open your eyes. You could not believe what you were seeing. It was Ciel... Bathing! "Oh my god" you started to blush madly and put your hand over your eyes. "How do I stop this!" You screamed. UT was laughing like a maniac. "Just snap your fingers... Hahaha" he responded. You snapped them and opened your eyes. "I can't believe I got the timing right!" He said. Your felt anger in your body. "You planned that!" You screamed. "Yes! Is there a problem with that?" He asked. "No..." You whispered. 'Ciel was just so.... Ahh. You can't even describe it' you thought. "Hehe. Well my dear it's getting late now go to bed." UT said. "Ok... Um.... Thanks..... For the.... View." You said speed walking towards the room in the back. "Hahaha" he bust into laughter. You locked the door and walked towards the bed. You close your eyes and thought of Ciel. The 'portal' opened. (I'll call this little window thing a portal because I don't know what else to call it.) You saw Ciel in his bed sleeping. You snapped your fingers. You let yourself fall on the bed and everything went black.

A/N Sorry for the late update. I have decided to not update on the weekends because we all need breaks and I can also get more ideas on what to write. If I have any spelling errors please tell me! I honestly can't spell *slaps face*.

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