8_Douma::Not again :(

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Rui found his tarantula unnaware that the tarantula is not his old one but a new one that Kokushibo just bought.Kokushibo is guilty in killing Rui tarantula (accendanly).No one find out tho

///The other demons is already teleported away but the top 3///

Im glad Rui find his tarantula :) but now i have to clean my room because some disreapectful demon ruined my beautiful perfect aesthetic room 😔 "Akaza-dono,can you help me on something?" I say to him smiling "no" aww "do you mean no way i'd love to help you?"..."if it's helping you to get eaten to a lion" clasic Akaza-dono :) "please please :) i really need your help" i beg to him but he smirk and then say "beg more" what 😐...gladly 🥰 i got on my knee and then continue to beg to him to help me "please please please please help me Akaza-sama :D i really really really need it" i say to him berofe Kokushibo came here quickly and then say "Akaza...know your place" this is expected :) "it's okay Koku-dono :)" i say to Kokushibo "how many times....do i have to say that...im not doing this for you" he respond to me :) "Akaza,he's your superior... don't ever treat him like that again...this is your final warning Akaza,and Douma.... don't call me Koku" he say berofe leaving at really fast speed.This all was expected 👍 "Akaza-"aaaandddd he left :( damn,i guess i need to clean my room by myself 😔 OH RIGHT! :D "hey Biwa lady :)" i say to her "teleport me to hantengu's room" she did as i say and now im here 😁 time to ask for help :D

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU ALL!!" Sekido-san yell to Karaku and Urogi...again,"what if we don't 😝" Urogi said "im gonna make you forgot how its feel to regenerate and eat solid food again..."Sekido-san said..."scary!" Hantengu-san said.This night can't get worse right? "Hey guys :D" ... Douma-san? We all turn to face Douma-san "what do you want" Sekido-san ask him while me and the other just waching,"can ya'll help me clean my room? :D" oh...and also i think it is my first time get time screen in this story anyway..."no...Aizetzu can you?" Sekido-san say while looking at me blinking in morse code


He say "say no" but looking back at Douma-san and then i said "i can" he respond with "thank you so much :D follow me!" I then follow him to his room,how bad is it can be? After we arrive at Douma-san room,he open the door and then i was so shocked seeing how mess is his room in "h-how it can be like this?" I ask to him "oh,someone made it like this and i swear if i find him or her i'll snap his/her neck!" He respond "btw i feel like i was forgeting something... probably not something serious" he say,i feel like there is going to be a huge problem...

((((Time skip))))
((Still Aizetzu's POV))

Douma-san and i finally done cleaning his room "thanks Aizetzu-dono :)" he say and i respond "your welcome" after that i go away from his room,walking back to Hantengu-san room until i felt a water? I look down and it's really water coming from the kitchen? I decided to check and...the tap isn't closed i then run to it to close the tap but get slipped and fall.

I hear something, what is it? Why didn't i even care...i quickly asummed that its nothing and continue reading a book about flower that Muzan-sama gave me "ugh,why Muzan-sama even need that flower for? I didn't want to ask him either... Kokushibo must know why but im not asking that bastard too" i say on my thought..."im gonna grap some human flesh from the kitchen" i stand up from my bed and then go out my room to go to the infinity castle kitchen,i don't even know why we had a kitchen i guess it's just for the sake of this story plot,why does Muzan-sama treat me harsh tho? It is because Im not fit in his eyes? No im not...why does i even- wait...i look down on the floor and then found a puddle of water? I then quickly go to the kitchen and then see the kitchen is kinda flooded with water plus some ice...and Aizetzu? "Aizetzu?" I say,he then slowly stand up and look at me,i then slowly walk to the tap and close it berofe looking at Aizetzu "need help?" I offer him and he nod so i help him stand up from the floor who is slippery because of the ice below and i know who the one that made this mess.I then slowly get out of the kitchen and go straight to Kokushibo's room berofe opening it "...what?" He say "look at the kitchen,Douma did it" i say to him fully knowing that Douma is going to be in trouble because of what he did.

Go to the kitchen? I then did go to the kitchen and then...WHAT THE?! WHO DID THIS?! Oh wait it's Douma.I then go to his room and open the door only to see Douma sleeping,what does he even need to sleep? Demon only sleep when they are really stressed(FUNrAU) Douma is emotionless,he can't get stressed.I walk next to his bed and then wake him up "Douma...Douma...wake up"..."..."..."DOUMA WAKE UP!" He then wake up looking suprised berofe look like annoyed because he get distrubted "what do you want" he ask,how dare is he to act like he just didn't float the kitchen?! "Don't act dumb" i respond "what? I really doesn't know!" He still acting like he didn't know anything...i then pinch his left ear "oi!"..."listen here, don't act dumb...you just float the kitchen in water! Next time...close the tap!" I say berofe releasing him "what?"...how dare he still act clueless "you know what? You grounded for a week" i say to him "WHAT? B-BUT I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING? Wait...the kitchen is in float?...oh" what now? "What."..."i forgot to close the tap"..."took you slow enough,you still grounded for a week" i say berofe leaving.

did i just...get grounded again?! UGHH 😭😭😭 "COME ON KOKUSHIBO-DONO! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT" i say but he ignore me 😢 i guess i need to accept my fate to get grounded again :( "btw Im gonna take your room key for a while to lock you" Kokushibo-dono add,why does life has to be so cruel! :(

Words not including this:1170

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