Chapter 1

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|| Karina's POV ||

Another dreadful day at hell.

I get up not caring about what happens.

I clean up my smeared mascara from last night, I turned on the faucet and washed the tear stains off my red cheeks. I turned the water off and looked in the mirror and saw a broken and misled girl.

My reflection made me want to break the glass.

He did this to me.

I looked through my closet and grabbed a sweatshirt.

It still smells like you.

I laughed at my thought.

I grabbed a pair of leggings and laced up my Jordan 11 breds.

I walked back into my restroom and fixed my hair into a messy bun.

Instead of putting on my contacts I grabbed my squared nerdy glasses as he called them.

I put on the concealer so the bags under my eyes wouldn't be noticed.

After I made my self look bearable I stepped out of my room.

I trudged downstairs and grabbed my bag.

"Karina, babe you have to eat." my mother practically begged.

"Momma I'm not hungry." I said as glum as possible.

"How can you not be hungry? You haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday." she said stepping in front of me.

"Mom I'm just not hungry, I'm sorry, but I promise I'll eat today in school." I said kissing her good-bye before stepping out into the cold winter California air.

I stepped into my even colder Jeep.

I quickly turned up the heater and pulled out of my drive way.


I arrived at my high school and saw him.

Leaning against his Range Rover with his white diamond co jacket, hands stuffed into his khaki colored joggers wearing his signature comb over that just makes melt inside.

"Hey Karina." His deep voice spoke up.

"Oh hello." I said grabbing my bag and turning on my heels to get away from him.

He chuckled and tried following me.

"Your ass looks nice in those tights." he said smiling.

Fuck, he knew that damn smile was my weakness.

"Oh does it?" I asked sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"It really does." he said catching up to me and putting his arm around me.

"Please go away." I said trying to fight back my tears.

"Why?" He asked like he didn't know what he was doing wrong.

"Honestly go find Jayden or someone to use cause I'm done." I said pushing away from him.

I walked to my first class. My elective class.


The day went by pretty slow, it's now lunch and I met up with Kimberly.

"Hey love bug." She looked at me with sincere eyes.

She's the only person that has been there for me through all this.

"Hey." I said.

"You have to eat." she said handing me parfait.

I nodded knowing that she wasn't going to let me leave the yogurt.

"Where do you want to sit?" She huffed looking around the lunch room.

I shrugged.

"Oh here!" She practically ran across the cafeteria to get the one and only free seat.

I slowly trudged behind her.

"Oh don't look now. F boy alert." I chuckled referring to him sitting in the table straight across from us.

"Nina don't." she warned.

Nina was my nickname only she used.

We finished lunch and walked over to our locker. Where we usually hung out.

I looked across the quad to only find him all over some other girl.


"Kim I'm done." I said walking into the restroom.

She trailed behind.

"You have to forget about him!!" She yelled at me.

"No Kim, I can't. I've loved him for so long and look what he's done to me." I said looking down at me.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, you're beautiful. He doesn't deserve you." she said embracing me into a hug.

I nodded.

The bell range.


The rest of the day went by fast.

I met up with Kimberly after school I usually drive us home. She lives like right across the street from me.

We were walking out of the school when I got pushed roughly to the side.

I looked up it was him.

Of course, rolled my eyes.

I want this to be over.

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