♥ Marco's Sweater ♥

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Star was a sucker for cute things. She usually found almost everything adorable, including her boyfriend and best friend, Marco Diaz. Marco had always worn a plain, red sweater, and Star hadn't really made a big deal about it until recently. One night while the two were walking home from the movies, Star had gotten cold and Marco offered her his sweater. Of course, Star accepted and once she put it on she fell in love with it. It was soft, warm, and had Marco's scent all over it. What wasn't to love about it? After that night Star was practically obsessed with it. "Marco, can I wear your sweater?" Star asked him while they walked to school. "You want to wear it at school...?" He questioned her. "Yeah, of course!" She smiled. "Aren't you worried that people will mess with you about it?" He held her hand protectively as they crossed the street. "It doesn't matter what the others say Marco." Star reassured him. For some reason, Marco was very self conscious and shy around people. "Y-yeah, you're right." He laughed nervously, giving Star his sweater. "Yay!" Star squealed, putting it on. The real reason Marco didn't want Star to wear his sweater at school is because he got extremely embarrassed every time she wore it. She was just too cute in it, and he definitely did not want to do something stupid at school. They entered the school, surrounded by various other students. "S-Star, are you s-sure you want to wear that?" Marco blushed. "Yeah, why...?" Star looked at him, concern in her face as she watched him turn red. "H-haha, just making sure!" He stuttered. "Marco, are you embarrassed?" Star started to laugh. "N-no way, I'm just a misunderstood bad boy, Star. You wouldn't get it." He tried to cover it up, although Star could see right through it. She kissed him gently, her cheeks the color of roses. "I love you, Marco." She laughed, wrapping her arms around his and laying her head on his shoulder as they walked down the hallway. "I love you too, Star." He blushed, holding onto her tightly.

Well that was my stupid, short Starco drabble that I wrote at almost 1 am. I'm tired so it wasn't very good, but I just had to write about Star wearing Marco's sweater because it's just too cute. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and hopefully I'll find the time to write some new, better fics. - Sadie ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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