Chapter 5: Coffee Break

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I grunt in frustration as I put my last duffle onto the baggage cart an assistant had brought me. I shuffle along, pulling in behind me, exhausted from the five hour plane ride. Planes are fun, but just plain horrible when you’re alone. A woman in a tailored pant suit spots me and makes her way in my direction. Automatically, she extends her hand when she reaches me and introduces herself as an assistant to Marianna Bircoti. I shake her hand, flustered with all of my luggage. She quickly gets an assistant to take my bags and walks me to a car that is waiting outside the airport. I need to dig my water bottle out of my bag and, to aide my search, I set my phone down on a podium just outside the airport. As I fish my water bottle out of my bag, I go to grab my phone and find that it’s not there. I look to the ground but see it hasn’t fallen. Damn it, someone took my phone. I sigh, knowing it’d be foolish to actually call around for it. I'm not worried about any of my contacts because it has a lock on it, and if one does it wrong 4 times, then it erases everything on my phone. So Ed’s number is safe. Oh shit Ed. I was supposed to call him when I landed, but I don’t remember his phone number! Shit shit shit. I'm sure Marianna will still have his number; maybe I can call him when next I speak to her. Surely she’ll still have his number. With another sigh, I get into the car that Marianna’s assistant has waiting and the car takes off.

                                                *          *          *

I arrive at the apartment they have waiting, and let me tell you, it’s beautiful. Large and spacious, the two floor make it seem larger than it probably is. There’s a very homey feel to the entire place, it’s decorated with mixes of greens and browns, adding an extra layer of earth to the feeling of it. It’s very earthy, not only in the color scheme, but the wood furniture tends it’s to the mother earth feel. I mean, there’s even a cute little chair HANGING in the corner! Hanging. It moves.

“Do you like it?” The assistant asks me. I nod happily, and she smiles. “Your boyfriend said you would.” She says.

“I don’t have a boyfriend.” I say to her, tearing my eyes away from the beautiful living space.

“Ed Sheeran isn’t your boyfriend?” She asks me. I wish. But I shake my head no.

“We’re best friends.” I say, with a smile. A smile, yes. A happy smile? No. Melancholy smile is more of what I am projecting.

“Oh, I'm sorry.” She says, suddenly ashamed, but I laugh a little.

“It’s fine.” I say and she relaxes a little.

“Well, I’ll leave you here. Here’s your key, and Marianna will be sending a car by tomorrow to pick you up. Your cell phone number is still the same, I trust?” She asks me after handing me the key to the apartment.

“Actually, my phone was stolen at the airport.” I say and she shrugs.

“It’s fine, we were planning on replacing your phone as it was. You had a Samsung flip phone, correct?” She asks me, and I think back to my crappy little phone. I nod.

“Ok, we’ll be giving you an iPhone when you show up to the production meeting tomorrow. We’ll send a car over around 1, so please be ready by then.” She tells me, nods curtly, and then leaves, closing the door behind her. I look around at my new living room, and collapse onto the couch.

Well I can’t believe I'm really here.

I also can’t believe that Ed’s not here to share it with me.

So on the couch, I cry myself to sleep.

                                                *          *          *

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